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@PwQt PwQt released this 14 Apr 16:10
· 21 commits to master since this release

What's Changed

This release fixes a bug introduded in 4.1.3 release due to introduction of few new fields inside of Magic Items objects (the VSM components on spells and Action types on Features), now they won't be assigned dynamically, but stored inside of objects stored in magicitems.spells and magicitems.feats arrays respectively.

For that change to work fully, either re-drag all spells/feats onto your existing items/compendium items, or use following API methods I've created.


Following method will update all items that are existing on all actors - it should also update all non-compendium items, but might not.

await game.modules.get("magicitems").api.updatMagicItemsOnAllActors()

The following method will update all items that have "magicitems" properties inside of a compendium given in the compendiumPackName - please consult your console and game.packs() for how your compendium is named - make sure that compendiumPackName is surrounded by " mark.

await game.modules.get("magicitems").api.updateMagicItemsOnAllCompendiumItems(compendiumPackName);

Translations update

  • Updated latest localization updates for following languages: Polish, Portugese, Spanish

Since the notes wasn't included in last release, 4.1.3 has introduced two new translation strings:

  "MAGICITEMS.SettingScaleSpellDamage": "Scale spell damage with levels",
  "MAGICITEMS.SettingScaleSpellDamageHint": "Some spells (like Acid Splash) have their damage scale with character levels, when this setting is on, the scaling will work",

Full Changelog: 4.1.3...4.1.4