This module for Foundry VTT and specific for the DnD5e system, adds the ability to create magical items with spells or feats that belong to the item itself, such as staffs or magic wands, which will be automatically inherited from the character who owns the item.
An official continuation of Magic Items.
If you have an issue that requires quick contact, I've created a Discord community.
If you wish to buy me a coffee, follow this link:
You can now publicly help with translation on Weblate.
You can download the module from Foundry package listing.
It's always easiest to install modules from the in game add-on browser.
To install this module manually:
- Inside the Foundry "Configuration and Setup" screen, click "Add-on Modules"
- Click "Install Module"
- In the "Manifest URL" field, paste the following url:
- Click 'Install' and wait for installation to complete
- Don't forget to enable the module in game using the "Manage Module" button
- Once activated, a new tab named 'Magic Item' will be available for each items of type 'weapon', 'equipment' or 'consumable'.
- In this tab, you can drag spells from a compendium and configure its consumption which will be subtracted from the total number of charges each time the spell is used.
- It is also possible to configure the max number of charges, if they can be can be recharged and when, and if the item will be destroyed when the charges reach 0.
Using combinations of these parameters is possible to create, for example:
- A legendary staff equipped with great thaumaturgical spells
- A globe with a perennial light spell.
- A scroll with a powerful necromantic spell that dissolves once pronounced.
In addition to spells, it is also possible to assign feats to the items, or combinations of both:
When a character is equipped with one or more magical objects, within his sheet in the spellbook/features section, a set of inherited spells/feats divided by item will be displayed after his owned items:
From here you can cast spells or use feats provided by the items and monitor the consumption/recharges.
You can move the Display of the Spells/Feats up to the top of the sheet in settings.
All informations about the api and the sheet integration can be found here API
Name | Compatibility | Additional information |
Legacy DnD 5e sheet | ✔️ | |
DND5e 3.0 Sheet | ✔️ | released in 1.6.0 |
Compact DnDBeyond-like 5e Character Sheet | Works, but doesn't show in Actions tab. | |
Tidy 5e Sheet Rewrite | ✔️ |
npm install
will let you develop you own code with hot reloading on the browser
npm run dev
will build and set up a symlink between dist
and your dataPath
npm run build
will build and watch for changes, rebuilding automatically.
npm run build-watch
launch the prettier plugin based on the configuration here
npm run-script prettier-format
launch the eslint process based on the configuration here
npm run-script lint
launch the eslint process with the fix argument
npm run-script lint:fix
Any issues, bugs, or feature requests are always welcome to be reported directly to the Issue Tracker.
This package is under an MIT license and the Foundry Virtual Tabletop Limited License Agreement for module development.
This is a maintained version of Magic Items module, originally created by Simone.
Magic Items is a module for Foundry VTT by Simone and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.