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PyData Amsterdam 2024 Website

The website URL:

This is the website for the PyData Amsterdam conference, 2024 edition, but can be reused/adapted/extended to being a website for subsequent conferences as well; or to being a general PyData Amsterdam website.

Technical implementation

This website is built using a combination of Gatsby and Tailwind CSS. It uses component-based website building style, where each page consists of a Layout with (many) reusable sections in them, defined as React components.

Run it locally

To run the website locally, clone this repository to your machine, and in the root of the project, first run

npm install --legacy-peer-deps

This will install all of the required website dependencies using npm.

Then, to launch the website for local development (with auto-reload listener), run:

gatsby develop -o

Othwerwise, to build the website, run:

npm run build

This will automatically run gatsby build for us. Alternatively, you can just run gatsby build directly.