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Pycea edited this page Mar 2, 2021 · 1 revision

The comment contents aren't showing up

If you're on 0.14 or below, update the extension, or disable the "Apply comment styling" option. If you're on 0.15 or above, please report a bug here.

The page loads slowly

If you have the option to load all comments selected, it might cause some lag for large threads. This is a result of Substack comment loading being very laggy.

Additionally, you might notice that going from one post to another is slower with this extension. This is because the extension refreshes the page, whereas Substack dynamically loads the content and switches to it. This shouldn't cause much of a noticeable difference in practice unless you're switching pages a lot. However, if you want to disable refreshes, enable the "Load new pages dynamically" setting. Note that some features may not work properly.

The full comment dates aren't showing

If you have dynamic page loading enabled, then navigating to another post will break that feature. Refreshing the page will fix it, but there's no other way around that. If you don't have it enabled, try refreshing anyway.

Only two comments are loaded, with a button that says "4753 new"

This is an issue with Substack. Enabling the load all comments option can fix it, at the cost of loading all the comments.

Everything is broken

Try refreshing the page. If that doesn't work, click on the extension icon and click on "Reset all data", then click again to confirm. Note that this will reset all data on what comments you have seen, so everything will appear new even if you have seen it before.

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