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The Pyramid Web Framework

Pyramid is a small, fast, down-to-earth Python web framework. It is developed as part of the Pylons Project. It is licensed under a BSD-like license.

Here is one of the simplest Pyramid applications you can make:


After you install Pyramid and run this application, when you visit http://localhost:6543/ in a browser, you will see the text Hello World! See firstapp_chapter for a full explanation of how this application works.

Getting Started

If you are new to Pyramid, we have a few resources that can help you get up to speed right away.

quick_tour quick_tutorial/index

  • quick_tour gives an overview of the major features in Pyramid, covering a little about a lot.
  • Like learning by example? Visit the official html_tutorials as well as the community-contributed Pyramid Tutorials <tutorials:pyramid-tutorials> and Pyramid Community Cookbook <cookbook:pyramid-cookbook>.
  • For help getting Pyramid set up, try installing_chapter.
  • Need help? See Support and Development <support-and-development>.


Official tutorials provide a quick overview of Pyramid's features in more depth than the Quick Tour and with working code, explain how to use Pyramid to build various types of applications, and how to deploy Pyramid applications to various platforms.

quick_tutorial/index tutorials/wiki2/index tutorials/wiki/index tutorials/modwsgi/index

Support and Development

The Pyramid website is the main entry point to Pyramid web framework resources for support and development information.

To report bugs, use the issue tracker.

If you've got questions that aren't answered by this documentation, contact the Pylons-discuss maillist or join the #pyramid IRC channel.

Browse and check out tagged and trunk versions of Pyramid via the Pyramid GitHub repository. To check out the trunk via git, use either command:

# If you have SSH keys configured on GitHub:
git clone

# Otherwise, HTTPS will work, using your GitHub login:
git clone

To find out how to become a contributor to Pyramid, please see How to Contribute Source Code and Documentation.

Narrative Documentation

Narrative documentation in chapter form explaining how to use Pyramid.

narr/introduction narr/install narr/firstapp narr/configuration narr/project narr/startup narr/router narr/urldispatch narr/views narr/renderers narr/templates narr/viewconfig narr/assets narr/webob narr/sessions narr/events narr/environment narr/logging narr/paste narr/commandline narr/i18n narr/vhosting narr/testing narr/resources narr/hellotraversal narr/muchadoabouttraversal narr/traversal narr/security narr/hybrid narr/subrequest narr/hooks narr/introspector narr/extending narr/advconfig narr/extconfig narr/cookiecutters narr/upgrading narr/threadlocals narr/zca

API Documentation

Comprehensive reference material for every public API exposed by Pyramid:


p* Scripts Documentation

p* scripts included with Pyramid.


Change History

whatsnew-2.0 whatsnew-1.10 whatsnew-1.9 whatsnew-1.8 whatsnew-1.7 whatsnew-1.6 whatsnew-1.5 whatsnew-1.4 whatsnew-1.3 whatsnew-1.2 whatsnew-1.1 whatsnew-1.0 changes

Design Documents



Typographical Conventions and Style Guide


Index and Glossary

  • glossary
  • genindex
  • search
