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Creating a pyramid Project

It's possible to create a pyramid application completely manually, but it's usually more convenient to use a template to generate a basic pyramid application structure.

pyramid comes with templates that you can use to generate a project. Each template makes different configuration assumptions about what type of application you're trying to construct.

These templates are rendered using the PasteDeploy paster script, and so therefore they are often referred to as "paster templates".

single: paster templates single: pyramid_starter paster template single: pyramid_zodb paster template single: pyramid_alchemy paster template single: pyramid_routesalchemy paster template single: pylons_minimal paster template single: pylons_basic paster template single: pylons_sqla paster template

Paster Templates Included with pyramid

The convenience paster templates included with pyramid differ from each other on two axes:

  • the persistence mechanism they offer (no persistence mechanism, ZODB, or SQLAlchemy).
  • the mechanism they use to map URLs to code (traversal or URL dispatch).

The included templates are these:


URL mapping via traversal and no persistence mechanism.


URL mapping via traversal and persistence via ZODB


URL mapping via URL dispatch and persistence via SQLAlchemy


URL mapping via traversal and persistence via SQLAlchemy


URL mapping via URL dispatch and Pylons-style view handlers, minimal setup.


URL mapping via URL dispatch and Pylons-style view handlers, and some extra functionality.


URL mapping via URL dispatch and Pylons-style view handlers, some extra functionality, and SQLAlchemy set up.

Each of these project templates uses ZCML instead of imperative configuration. Each also makes the assumption that you want your code to live in a Python package. Even if your application is extremely simple, it is useful to place code that drives the application within a package, because a package is more easily extended with new code. An application that lives inside a package can also be distributed more easily than one which does not live within a package.

single: creating a project single: project

Creating the Project

In installing_chapter, you created a virtual Python environment via the virtualenv command. To start a pyramid project, use the paster facility installed within the virtualenv. In installing_chapter we called the virtualenv directory env; the following command assumes that our current working directory is that directory.

We'll choose the pyramid_starter template for this purpose.

$ bin/paster create -t pyramid_starter

The above command uses the paster command to create a project using the pyramid_starter template. The create version of paster invokes the creation of a project from a template. To use a different template, such as pyramid_routesalchemy, you'd just change the last argument. For example:

$ bin/paster create -t pyramid_routesalchemy

paster create will ask you a single question: the name of the project. You should use a string without spaces and with only letters in it. Here's sample output from a run of paster create for a project we name MyProject:

$ bin/paster create -t pyramid_starter
Selected and implied templates:
  pyramid#pyramid_starter  pyramid starter project

Enter project name: MyProject
  egg:      MyProject
  package:  myproject
  project:  MyProject
Creating template pyramid
Creating directory ./MyProject
# ... more output ...
Running /Users/chrism/projects/pyramid/bin/python egg_info


You can skip the interrogative question about a project name during paster create by adding the project name to the command line, e.g. paster create -t pyramid_starter MyProject.

As a result of invoking the paster create command, a project is created in a directory named MyProject. That directory is a setuptools project directory from which a setuptools distribution can be created. The file in that directory can be used to distribute your application, or install your application for deployment or development.

A sample PasteDeploy .ini file named MyProject.ini will also be created in the project directory. You will use this .ini file to configure a server, to run your application, and to and debug your application.

The MyProject project directory contains an additional subdirectory named myproject (note the case difference) representing a Python package which holds very simple pyramid sample code. This is where you'll edit your application's Python code and templates.

single: develop single: development install

Installing your Newly Created Project for Development

Using the interpreter from the virtualenv you create during installing_chapter, invoke the following command when inside the project directory. The file named will be in the root of the paster-generated project directory. The python you're invoking should be the one that lives in the bin directory of your virtual Python environment.

$ ../bin/python develop

Elided output from a run of this command is shown below:

$ ../bin/python develop
Finished processing dependencies for MyProject==0.1

This will install the distribution representing your application's into the interpreter's library set so it can be found and run by PasteDeploy via the command paster serve.

single: running tests single: tests (running)

Running The Tests For Your Application

To run unit tests for your application, you should invoke them using the python that lives in the bin directory of your virtualenv:

$ ../bin/python test -q

Here's sample output from a test run:

$ python test -q
running test
running egg_info
writing requirements to MyProject.egg-info/requires.txt
writing MyProject.egg-info/PKG-INFO
writing top-level names to MyProject.egg-info/top_level.txt
writing dependency_links to MyProject.egg-info/dependency_links.txt
writing entry points to MyProject.egg-info/entry_points.txt
reading manifest file 'MyProject.egg-info/SOURCES.txt'
writing manifest file 'MyProject.egg-info/SOURCES.txt'
running build_ext
Ran 1 test in 0.108s


The tests themselves are found in the module in your paster create -generated project. Within a project generated by the pyramid_starter template, a single sample test exists.

single: interactive shell single: IPython single: paster pshell

The Interactive Shell

Once you've installed your program for development using develop, you can use an interactive Python shell to examine your pyramid application model and view objects from a Python prompt. To do so, use the paster shell command with the pshell argument:

The first argument to pshell is the path to your application's .ini file. The second is the section name inside the .ini file which points to your application as opposed to any other section within the .ini file. For example, if your application .ini file might have a [app:main] section that looks like so:

use = egg:MyProject#app
reload_templates = true
debug_authorization = false
debug_notfound = false
debug_templates = true
default_locale_name = en

If so, you can use the following command to invoke a debug shell using the name main as a section name:

[chrism@vitaminf shellenv]$ ../bin/paster --plugin=pyramid \
                            pshell MyProject.ini main
Python 2.4.5 (#1, Aug 29 2008, 12:27:37) 
[GCC 4.0.1 (Apple Inc. build 5465)] on darwin
Type "help" for more information. "root" is the Pyramid app root object.
>>> root
<foo.models.MyModel object at 0x445270>


You might get away without passing --plugin=pyramid to the pshell command.

If you have IPython installed in the interpreter you use to invoke the paster command, the pshell command will use an IPython interactive shell instead of a standard Python interpreter shell. If you don't want this to happen, even if you have IPython installed, you can pass the --disable-ipython flag to the pshell command to use a standard Python interpreter shell unconditionally.

[chrism@vitaminf shellenv]$ ../bin/paster --plugin=pyramid pshell \
      --disable-ipython MyProject.ini main

You should always use a section name argument that refers to the actual app section within the Paste configuration file that points at your pyramid application without any middleware wrapping. In particular, a section name is inappropriate as the second argument to pshell if the configuration section it names is a pipeline rather than an app. For example, if you have the following .ini file content:

use = egg:MyProject#app
reload_templates = true
debug_authorization = false
debug_notfound = false
debug_templates = true
default_locale_name = en

pipeline = egg:repoze.tm2#tm

The command you use to invoke the interactive shell should be:

[chrism@vitaminf shellenv]$ ../bin/paster --plugin=pyramid pshell \
      MyProject.ini myapp

If you use main as the section name argument instead of myapp against the above .ini file, an error will likely occur. Use the most specific reference to the application within the .ini file possible as the section name argument.

Press Ctrl-D to exit the interactive shell (or Ctrl-Z on Windows).

single: running an application single: paster serve single: reload single: startup single: mod_wsgi

Running The Project Application

Once a project is installed for development, you can run the application it represents using the paster serve command against the generated configuration file. In our case, this file is named MyProject.ini:

$ ../bin/paster serve MyProject.ini

Here's sample output from a run of paster serve:

$ ../bin/paster serve MyProject.ini
Starting server in PID 16601.
serving on view at

By default, pyramid applications generated from a paster template will listen on TCP port 6543.

During development, it's often useful to run paster serve using its --reload option. When --reload is passed to paster serve, changes to any Python module your project uses will cause the server to restart. This typically makes development easier, as changes to Python code made within a pyramid application is not put into effect until the server restarts.

For example:

$ ../bin/paster serve MyProject.ini --reload
Starting subprocess with file monitor
Starting server in PID 16601.
serving on view at

For more detailed information about the startup process, see startup_chapter. For more information about environment variables and configuration file settings that influence startup and runtime behavior, see environment_chapter.

Using an Alternate WSGI Server

The code generated by pyramid paster templates assumes that you will be using the paster serve command to start your application while you do development. However, paster serve is by no means the only way to start up and serve a pyramid application. As we saw in configuration_narr, paster serve needn't be invoked at all to run a pyramid application. The use of paster serve to run a pyramid application is purely conventional based on the output of its paster templates.

Any WSGI server is capable of running a pyramid application. Some WSGI servers don't require the PasteDeploy framework's paster serve command to do server process management at all. Each WSGI server has its own documentation about how it creates a process to run an application, and there are many of them, so we cannot provide the details for each here. But the concepts are largely the same, whatever server you happen to use.

One popular production alternative to a paster-invoked server is mod_wsgi. You can also use mod_wsgi to serve your pyramid application using the Apache web server rather than any "pure-Python" server that is started as a result of paster serve. See modwsgi_tutorial for details. However, it is usually easier to develop an application using a paster serve -invoked webserver, as exception and debugging output will be sent to the console.

Viewing the Application

Once your application is running via paster serve, you may visit http://localhost:6543/ in your browser. You will see something in your browser like what is displayed in the following image:


This is the page shown by default when you visit an unmodified paster create -generated pyramid_starter application in a browser.

single: project structure

The Project Structure

Our generated pyramid pyramid_starter application is a setuptools project (named MyProject), which contains a Python package (which is also named myproject, but lowercased; the paster template generates a project which contains a package that shares its name except for case). All pyramid paster -generated projects share a similar structure.

The MyProject project we've generated has the following directory structure:

|-- CHANGES.txt
|-- README.txt
|-- myproject
|   |--
|   |-- configure.zcml
|   |--
|   |--
|   |-- templates
|   |   |--
|   |   `-- static/
|   |--
|   `--
|-- MyProject.ini
|-- setup.cfg

The MyProject Project

The MyProject project is the distribution and deployment wrapper for your application. It contains both the myproject package representing your application as well as files used to describe, run, and test your application.

  1. CHANGES.txt describes the changes you've made to the application. It is conventionally written in ReStructuredText format.
  2. README.txt describes the application in general. It is conventionally written in ReStructuredText format.
  3. MyProject.ini is a PasteDeploy configuration file that can be used to execute your application.
  4. setup.cfg is a setuptools configuration file used by
  5. is the file you'll use to test and distribute your application. It is a standard setuptools file.

single: PasteDeploy single: ini file


The MyProject.ini file is a PasteDeploy configuration file. Its purpose is to specify an application to run when you invoke paster serve, as well as the deployment settings provided to that application.

The generated MyProject.ini file looks like so:


This file contains several "sections" including [DEFAULT], [app:main], and [server:main].

The [DEFAULT] section consists of global parameters that are shared by all the applications, servers and middleware defined within the configuration file. By default it contains one key debug, which is set to true. This key is used by various components to decide whether to act in a "debugging" mode. pyramid itself does not do anything at all with this parameter, and neither does any template-generated application.

The [app:main] section represents configuration for your application. This section name represents the main application (and it's an app -lication, thus app:main), signifying that this is the default application run by paster serve when it is invoked against this configuration file. The name main is a convention signifying that it the default application.

The use setting is required in the [app:main] section. The use setting points at a setuptools entry point named MyProject#app (the egg: prefix in egg:MyProject#app indicates that this is an entry point URI specifier, where the "scheme" is "egg").

setuptools Entry Points and PasteDeploy .ini Files

This part of configuration can be confusing so let's try to clear things up a bit. Take a look at the generated file for this project. Note that the entry_point line in points at a string which looks a lot like an .ini file. This string representation of an .ini file has a section named [paste.app_factory]. Within this section, there is a key named app (the entry point name) which has a value The key app is what our egg:MyProject#app value of the use section in our config file is pointing at. The value represents a dotted Python name path, which refers to a callable in our myproject package's module. In English, this entry point can thus be referred to as a "Paste application factory in the MyProject project which has the entry point named app where the entry point refers to a app function in the module". If indeed if you open up the module generated within the myproject package, you'll see a app function. This is the function called by PasteDeploy when the paster serve command is invoked against our application. It accepts a global configuration object and returns an instance of our application.

The use setting is the only setting required in the [app:main] section unless you've changed the callable referred to by the MyProject#app entry point to accept more arguments: other settings you add to this section are passed as keywords arguments to the callable represented by this entry point (app in our module). You can provide startup-time configuration parameters to your application by requiring more settings in this section.

The reload_templates setting in the [app:main] section is a pyramid -specific setting which is passed into the framework. If it exists, and its value is true, Chameleon template changes will not require an application restart to be detected. See reload_templates_section for more information.


The reload_templates option should be turned off for production applications, as template rendering is slowed when it is turned on.

The debug_templates setting in the [app:main] section is a pyramid -specific setting which is passed into the framework. If it exists, and its value is true, Chameleon template exceptions will contained more detailed and helpful information about the error than when this value is false. See debug_templates_section for more information.


The debug_templates option should be turned off for production applications, as template rendering is slowed when it is turned on.

Various other settings may exist in this section having to do with debugging or influencing runtime behavior of a pyramid application. See environment_chapter for more information about these settings.

The [server:main] section of the configuration file configures a WSGI server which listens on TCP port 6543. It is configured to listen on all interfaces ( The Paste#http server will create a new thread for each request.


In general, pyramid applications generated from paster templates should be threading-aware. It is not required that a pyramid application be nonblocking as all application code will run in its own thread, provided by the server you're using.

See the PasteDeploy documentation for more information about other types of things you can put into this .ini file, such as other applications, middleware and alternate WSGI server implementations.


The file is a setuptools setup file. It is meant to be run directly from the command line to perform a variety of functions, such as testing your application, packaging, and distributing your application.

Note is the defacto standard which Python developers use to distribute their reusable code. You can read more about files and their usage in the Setuptools documentation.

Our generated looks like this:


The file calls the setuptools setup function, which does various things depending on the arguments passed to on the command line.

Within the arguments to this function call, information about your application is kept. While it's beyond the scope of this documentation to explain everything about setuptools setup files, we'll provide a whirlwind tour of what exists in this file in this section.

Your application's name can be any string; it is specified in the name field. The version number is specified in the version value. A short description is provided in the description field. The long_description is conventionally the content of the README and CHANGES file appended together. The classifiers field is a list of Trove classifiers describing your application. author and author_email are text fields which probably don't need any description. url is a field that should point at your application project's URL (if any). packages=find_packages() causes all packages within the project to be found when packaging the application. include_package_data will include non-Python files when the application is packaged if those files are checked into version control. zip_safe indicates that this package is not safe to use as a zipped egg; instead it will always unpack as a directory, which is more convenient. install_requires and tests_require indicate that this package depends on the pyramid package. test_suite points at the package for our application, which means all tests found in the package will be run when test is invoked. We examined entry_points in our discussion of the MyProject.ini file; this file defines the app entry point that represents our project's application.

Usually you only need to think about the contents of the file when distributing your application to other people, or when versioning your application for your own use. For fun, you can try this command now:

$ python sdist

This will create a tarball of your application in a dist subdirectory named MyProject-0.1.tar.gz. You can send this tarball to other people who want to use your application.


By default, sdist does not place non-Python-source files in generated tarballs. This means, in this case, that the templates/ file and the files in the templates/static directory are not packaged in the tarball. To allow this to happen, check all the files that you'd like to be distributed along with your application's Python files into a version control system such as Subversion. After you do this, when you rerun sdist, all files checked into the version control system will be included in the tarball.


The setup.cfg file is a setuptools configuration file. It contains various settings related to testing and internationalization:

Our generated setup.cfg looks like this:


The values in the default setup file allow various commonly-used internationalization commands and testing commands to work more smoothly.

single: package

The myproject Package

The myproject package lives inside the MyProject project. It contains:

  1. An file which signifies that this is a Python package. It is conventionally empty, save for a single comment at the top.
  2. A configure.zcml is a ZCML file which maps view names to model types. Its contents populate the application registry when loaded.
  3. A module, which contains model code.
  4. A module, which contains code that helps users run the application.
  5. A templates directory, which contains Chameleon (or other types of) templates.
  6. A module, which contains unit test code for the application.
  7. A module, which contains view code for the application.

These are purely conventions established by the paster template: pyramid doesn't insist that you name things in any particular way.

single: configure.zcml


The configure.zcml contains configuration statements that populate the application registry. It looks like so:


  1. Line 1 provides the root node and namespaces for the configuration language. is the default XML namespace. Add-on packages may require other namespaces.
  2. Line 3 initializes pyramid -specific configuration directives by including the pyramid.includes package. This causes all of the ZCML within the configure.zcml of the pyramid.includes package to be "included" in this configuration file's scope. Effectively this means that we can use (for this example) the view and static directives which follow later in this file.
  3. Lines 5-9 register a "default view" (a view that has no name attribute). It is registered so that it will be found when the context of the request is an instance of the myproject.models.MyModel class. The view attribute points at a Python function that does all the work for this view, also known as a view callable. Note that the values of both the context attribute and the view attribute begin with a single period. Names that begin with a period are "shortcuts" which point at files relative to the package in which the configure.zcml file lives. In this case, since the configure.zcml file lives within the myproject package, the shortcut .models.MyModel could also be spelled myproject.models.MyModel (forming a full Python dotted-path name to the MyModel class). Likewise the shortcut .views.my_view could be replaced with myproject.views.my_view.

    The view declaration also names a renderer, which in this case is a template that will be used to render the result of the view callable. This particular view declaration points at templates/, which is a relative file specification; it's relative to the directory in which the configure.zcml file lives. The template file it points at is a Chameleon ZPT template file.

  4. Lines 11-14 register a static view, which will register a view which serves up the files from the templates/static directory relative to the directory in which the configure.zcml file lives.
  5. Line 16 ends the configure root tag.


Much of the heavy lifting in a pyramid application comes in the form of view callables. A view callable is the main tool of a pyramid web application developer; it is a bit of code which accepts a request and which returns a response.


This bit of code was registered as the view callable within configure.zcml. configure.zcml said that the default URL for instances that are of the class myproject.models.MyModel should run this myproject.views.my_view function.

This view callable function is handed a single piece of information: the request. The request is an instance of the WebOb Request class representing the browser's request to our server.

This view returns a dictionary. When this view is invoked, a renderer converts the dictionary returned by the view into HTML, and returns the result as the response. This view is configured to invoke a renderer which uses a Chameleon ZPT template (templates/, as specified in the configure.zcml file).

See views_which_use_a_renderer for more information about how views, renderers, and templates relate and cooperate.


because our MyProject.ini has a reload_templates = true directive indicating that templates should be reloaded when they change, you won't need to restart the application server to see changes you make to templates. During development, this is handy. If this directive had been false (or if the directive did not exist), you would need to restart the application server for each template change. For production applications, you should set your project's reload_templates to false to increase the speed at which templates may be rendered.


The module provides the model data and behavior for our application. Models are objects which store application data and provide APIs which mutate and return this data. We write a class named MyModel that provides the behavior.


  1. Lines 1-2 define the MyModel class.
  2. Line 4 defines an instance of MyModel as the root.
  3. Line 6 is a "root factory" function that will be called by the pyramid Router for each request when it wants to find the root of the object graph. Conventionally this is called get_root.

In a "real" application, the root object would not be such a simple object. Instead, it would be an object that could access some persistent data store, such as a database. pyramid doesn't make any assumption about which sort of datastore you'll want to use, so the sample application uses an instance of myproject.models.MyModel to represent the root.


We need a small Python module that configures our application and which advertises an entry point for use by our PasteDeploy .ini file. This is the file named


  1. Line 1 imports the Configurator class from pyramid.configuration that we use later.
  2. Line 2 imports the get_root function from myproject.models that we use later.
  3. Lines 4-13 define a function that returns a pyramid WSGI application. This function is meant to be called by the PasteDeploy framework as a result of running paster serve.


The single Chameleon template exists in the project. Its contents are too long to show here, but it displays a default page when rendered. It is referenced by the view declaration's renderer attribute in the configure.zcml file. See views_which_use_a_renderer for more information about renderers.

Templates are accessed and used by view configurations and sometimes by view functions themselves. See templates_used_directly and templates_used_as_renderers.


This directory contains static resources which support the template. It includes CSS and images.


The module includes unit tests for your application.


This sample file has a single unit test defined within it. This test is executed when you run python test. You may add more tests here as you build your application. You are not required to write tests to use pyramid, this file is simply provided as convenience and example.

See unittesting_chapter for more information about writing pyramid unit tests.