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File metadata and controls

107 lines (65 loc) · 2.68 KB

Typographical Conventions

Literals, filenames, and function arguments are presented using the following style:


Warnings which represent limitations and need-to-know information related to a topic or concept are presented in the following style:


This is a warning.

Notes which represent additional information related to a topic or concept are presented in the following style:


This is a note.

We present Python method names using the following style:


We present Python class names, module names, attributes, and global variables using the following style:


References to glossary terms are presented using the following style:


URLs are presented using the following style:


References to sections and chapters are presented using the following style:


Code and configuration file blocks are presented in the following style:

def foo(abc):

Example blocks representing UNIX shell commands are prefixed with a $ character, e.g.:

$ $VENV/bin/py.test -q

See venv for the meaning of $VENV.

Example blocks representing Windows commands are prefixed with a drive letter with an optional directory name, e.g.:

c:\examples> %VENV%\Scripts\py.test -q

See venv for the meaning of %VENV%.

When a command that should be typed on one line is too long to fit on a page, the backslash \ is used to indicate that the following printed line should be part of the command:

$VENV/bin/py.test tutorial/ --cov-report term-missing \
                  --cov=tutorial -q

A sidebar, which presents a concept tangentially related to content discussed on a page, is rendered like so:

This is a sidebar

Sidebar information.

When multiple objects are imported from the same package, the following convention is used:

from foo import (

It may look unusual, but it has advantages:

  • It allows one to swap out the higher-level package foo for something else that provides the similar API. An example would be swapping out one database for another (e.g., graduating from SQLite to PostgreSQL).
  • Looks more neat in cases where a large number of objects get imported from that package.
  • Adding or removing imported objects from the package is quicker and results in simpler diffs.