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Samuel Pizette edited this page May 18, 2022 · 63 revisions

Welcome to The Basalt Wiki!

Note: The Basalt Wiki is a work in progress. Please treat Wiki errors the same as bugs and report them accordingly.

Here you can find information about how to use Basalt as well as examples of functional Basalt code. The aim of Basalt is to improve user interaction through visual display.

On the right side of this page you can find a Wiki Navigation, where you can find a more detailed list of Basalt's features

About Basalt

Basalt is intended to be an easy-to-understand UI Framework designed for CC:Tweaked (AKA Computer Craft: Tweaked) - a popular minecraft mod. For more information about CC:Tweaked, checkout the project's home page.

Quick Demo


Questions & Bugs

Obviously I've implemented some easter eggs, some people call them "bugs". If you happen to discover one of these just make a new issue.

Additionally, if you have questions about Basalt or how to make use of it, feel free to create a new discussion on Basalt's Discussion Board.

You may also message me on Discord: NyoriE#8206