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Robert Jelic edited this page May 2, 2022 · 4 revisions

Radios are objects where you can create endless entrys the user can click on a button and it opens a "list" where the user can choose a entry

Here is a example of how to create a standard radio:

local mainFrame = basalt.createFrame("myFirstFrame"):show()
local aRadio = mainFrame:addRadio("myFirstRadio"):show()

Here are all possible functions available for radios:
Remember radio inherits from object:


Adds a item to the radio

local mainFrame = basalt.createFrame("myFirstFrame"):show()
local aRadio = mainFrame:addRadio("myFirstRadio"):show()
aRadio:addItem("1. Entry",3,4)
aRadio:addItem("2. Entry",3,5,colors.yellow)
aRadio:addItem("3. Entry",3,6,colors.yellow,

parameters: string text, number x, number y, number bgcolor, number fgcolor, any ... - (text is the displayed text, bgcolor and fgcolors the colors of background/text and args (...) is something dynamic, you wont see them but if you require some more information per item you can use that)
returns: self


Removes a item from the radio

local mainFrame = basalt.createFrame("myFirstFrame"):show()
local aRadio = mainFrame:addRadio("myFirstRadio"):show()
aRadio:addItem("1. Entry",3,4)
aRadio:addItem("2. Entry",3,5,colors.yellow)
aRadio:addItem("3. Entry",3,6,colors.yellow,

parameters: number index
returns: self


Edits a item on the radio

local mainFrame = basalt.createFrame("myFirstFrame"):show()
local aRadio = mainFrame:addRadio("myFirstRadio"):show()
aRadio:addItem("1. Entry",3,4)
aRadio:addItem("2. Entry",3,5,colors.yellow)
aRadio:addItem("3. Entry",3,6,colors.yellow,
aRadio:editItem(3,"3. Edited Entry",3,6,colors.yellow,

parameters: number index, string text, number x, number y, number bgcolor, number fgcolor, any ...
returns: self


Makes the radio scrollable

local mainFrame = basalt.createFrame("myFirstFrame"):show()
local aRadio = mainFrame:addRadio("myFirstRadio"):show()
aRadio:addItem("1. Entry",3,4)
aRadio:addItem("2. Entry",3,5,colors.yellow)
aRadio:addItem("3. Entry",3,6,colors.yellow,

parameters: boolean isScrollable
returns: self


selects a item in the radio (same as a player would click on a item)

local mainFrame = basalt.createFrame("myFirstFrame"):show()
local aRadio = mainFrame:addRadio("myFirstRadio"):show()
aRadio:addItem("1. Entry",3,4)
aRadio:addItem("2. Entry",3,5,colors.yellow)
aRadio:addItem("3. Entry",3,6,colors.yellow,

parameters: number index
returns: self


clears the entire list (radio)

local mainFrame = basalt.createFrame("myFirstFrame"):show()
local aRadio = mainFrame:addRadio("myFirstRadio"):show()
aRadio:addItem("1. Entry",3,4)
aRadio:addItem("2. Entry",3,5,colors.yellow)
aRadio:addItem("3. Entry",3,6,colors.yellow,

parameters: -
returns: self


returns the item index of the currently selected item

local mainFrame = basalt.createFrame("myFirstFrame"):show()
local aRadio = mainFrame:addRadio("myFirstRadio"):show()
aRadio:addItem("1. Entry",3,4)
aRadio:addItem("2. Entry",3,5,colors.yellow)
aRadio:addItem("3. Entry",3,6,colors.yellow,

parameters: -
returns: number index


Sets the background of the item which is currently selected

local mainFrame = basalt.createFrame("myFirstFrame"):show()
local aRadio = mainFrame:addRadio("myFirstRadio"):show()
aRadio:addItem("1. Entry",3,4)
aRadio:addItem("2. Entry",3,5,colors.yellow)
aRadio:addItem("3. Entry",3,6,colors.yellow,

parameters: number bgcolor, number fgcolor, boolean isActive (isActive means if different colors for selected item should be used)
returns: self

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