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Stefan edited this page Mar 22, 2017 · 16 revisions

Meeting Minutes Monday, March 20th, 2017

Time: 9:10 to 12:30 Place: Bern (Meetingroom "Blau" of Impacthub, Spitalgasse 28 (Eingang Ryffligasse))

Present: KF, MK, ML (Geoconseils sa), MT (Prilly), SB, UK, VA (Geoconseils sa), DG (Vevey), DR, ML (Geoconseils sa), RM

Excused: SB, AN, Andreas Vonlaufen (Uster), Stéphane Perret (Lausanne)


Review of QGEP Specifications (German)

Not done last time - keep in mind when setting priorities for 2017

  • Pully starts a QGEP POC now (not member but guinea pigs, rediscuss after the POC)
  • Oslandia supports them now in collaboration with opengis
  • SIGE is already in production with QGEP
  • Lausanne and Morges are also members of QGEP
  • End of POC planned for June (might be adjusted)
  • Lausanne doesn't have a fixed agenda yet.
  • Morges implements an intermediate solution now (proprietary) for TB2 replacement and continues to invest in open source QGIS based solutions for network management to put this into production for the whole network by 2020 - 2025.
  • The bigger plan is to migrate all networks with Oslandia as primary contact but with collaboration with other development and consultant companies.

KTI project: proposal, status and collaboration

  • It's put on hold for the moment.
  • No news from EAWAG recently as far as we are aware here.
  • For the moment no intention from the group romands to support this.
  • Might be re-started later on.

QGIS Project generator

  • Project with cantons ZG, SH, GL, SO for a "interlis quick import" solution
  • Using ili2pg to generate


Document Management System

  • QEP written on behalf of Morges
  • Supports the QGEP DMS "concept"
  • Working on an offer
  • Support for external document management systems which are in use by some organisations will need to be implemented additionally with a system available for specifications and testing.


  • 3.0 expected in September
  • 3.2 will be LTR and arrive 4 months after 3.0
  • 2.18 is in production, so we need to keep a compatible solution until 3.x has been tested and proven as stable for production use
  • Plugin and .qgs project will need to be updated. Estimated time ~20h.
  • No reason to set a fixed plan now. Re-discuss this in 2 months when we can set a milestone if it is required.

Technical updates

  • Update fix on 3D coordinates <- DONE
  • QGEP SRID MN95 - change coordinates LV03/95
  • Length of fields is too short for certain requirements
    • Proposal: extend the length in the database.
    • Contra: fields will be cut on export to INTERLIS.
    • Proposal: implement the length restriction as a warning in the QGIS forms to raise awareness with the user but still allow escaping the constraint in some circumstances. @3nids
    • Proposal: request an extension of the field length from the SIA
      • @3nids prepares a list with fields for extension, @sjib discusses this proposal with SIA/VSA.

Further ideas:

  • Present QGEP in the Suisse romande VSA group (MT, VA, SB)
  • Make a workshop QGEP in the QGIS Anwendertreffen in summer: what will be input from our side? Presentation / Workshop?
    • The question is, what is the goal of a workshop and who is the target group? For GIS people it's maybe not "interesting enough" for wastewater engineers, the solution may not be ready enough. Will be very interesting for the second group in a year.

Financial discussion

  • The budget for 2017 has 4k left with no purpose assigned so far

Upcoming events:

Next meeting:

July 5, 2017 (Bern)

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