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QuBiT edited this page Sep 13, 2010 · 2 revisions


To Contribute: Just answer the questions, begin with Question 1 and follow the instructions.

Question 1: Do you have Netbeans installed with the following components?

  • Base IDE
  • JavaSE
  • Ruby


  • Yes
    • Proceed with Question 2
  • No
    • Download the full version and install at least the listed components: Download-Link
    • Proceed with Question 1

Question 2: Did you forked the project from github?


  • Yes
    • Proceed with Question 3
  • No
    • Fork this project: git://
    • Proceed with Question 2

Question 3: Did you have contributed your new feature to this project?

  • Yes
    • Proceed with Question 4
  • No
    • Contribute! Add your addition / feature / … now!
    • Proceed with Question 3

Question 4: Did you have tested your new feature?


  • Yes
    • Proceed with Question 5
  • No
    • Press CTRL+F5 OR select Debug → Debug Project (Cucumber Features) to launch a Debug IDE
    • Test And Debug your Feature
    • Proceed with Question 4

Question 5: Did you build/installed this module with your new code and tested it?


  • Yes
    • Proceed with Question 6
  • No
    • Right Click on the Module Project
    • Possibility 1:
      • Install/Reload in Development IDE
      • Restart IDE
    • Possibility 2:
      • Create NBM
      • Install Module in 2nd NetBeans IDE
    • Test the new functionality

Question 6: Did you have committed and pushed your changes/features to your fork on github?


  • Yes
    • Proceed with Question 7
  • No
    • Commit your changes
    • Proceed with Question 6

Question 7: Did you notify me about your contribution?


  • Yes
    • Stay tuned, I’ll merge your code as soon as possible and release a new Version
    • Proceed with Question 8
  • No
    • Write me a message, send me pull request
    • Proceed with Question 7

Question 8: Do you have an unsolved Question, special Request, Problem, something else you want to know about this Module?


  • Yes
    • Send me a message on GitHub or Open a Issue on GitHub
    • Proceed with Question 8
  • No
    • You are done. Oh nooooooooo! :-)
      • Solution:
        • restart this process at any time if needed
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