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Start Clusters on the QuarkChain

ping-ke edited this page Feb 16, 2023 · 5 revisions

Quick Start - Use Docker Image to Start a Cluster and Mining

Here we provide detailed instructions for running a cluster and starting the mining process using a pre-built docker image. If you are interested in building everything from scratch, please refer to this Dockerfile for more details.

# NOTE the version should be in sync with the release version, e.g. quarkchaindocker/pyquarkchain:mainnet1.0.2
$ docker pull quarkchaindocker/pyquarkchain:<version tag> 

# recommend using some window management tool to start
# different programs, for example `screen` or `tmux`.
$ docker run -it -p 38291:38291 -p 38391:38391 -p 38491:38491 -p 38291:38291/udp quarkchaindocker/pyquarkchain:<version tag>
# if you already have synced data available, can mount it during running docker (note the -v flag)
$ docker run -v /path/to/data:/code/pyquarkchain/quarkchain/cluster/qkc-data/mainnet -it -p 38291:38291 -p 38391:38391 -p 38491:38491 -p 38291:38291/udp quarkchaindocker/pyquarkchain:<version tag> 

# (optional) if you want to get the data quickly without validating the blocks,
# you can download a snapshot of the database by running the following command.
# every week a snapshot of the database will be taken and uploaded by the QuarkChain team.
# once you start your cluster using the downloaded database your cluster only need to sync
# the blocks mined in the past 7 days or less.
curl`curl`.tar.gz --output data.tar.gz
# then should unzip to the right path

# INSIDE the container
# IMPORTANT: always update coinbase address for mining
# use the following command or directly modify the config file
export QKC_CONFIG=`pwd`/mainnet/singularity/cluster_config_template.json
/code/pyquarkchain# python3 quarkchain/tools/ 1234000000000000000000000000000000000000
# make sure the config file has been updated your specified coinbase address
# start the cluster
/code/pyquarkchain# python3 quarkchain/cluster/ --cluster_config $QKC_CONFIG

# to start mining in another screen (outside of container)
# note this is only a sample mining program. feel free to change 
# `` and ``
$ docker ps  # find container ID
$ docker exec -it <container ID> quarkchain/tools/ -c $QKC_CONFIG -p 8 -h localhost

# Or, you can specify the full shard key which you want to mine, the command should be:
$ docker exec -it <container ID> python3 quarkchain/tools/ --config $QKC_CONFIG --worker 1 --shard <full shard key>

Configure the Network

First, you'll need to set up the configuration of your network, which all nodes need to be aware of and agree upon. We provide an example config JSON in the repo (mainnet/singularity/cluster_config_template.json). Note that many parameters in the config are part the consensus, please be very cautious when changing them. For example, COINBASE_AMOUNT is one such parameter, changing it to another value effectively creates a fork in the network.

To set up mining, you need to open the config and specify your own coinbase address in each shard (under QUARKCHAIN.CHAINS[].COINBASE_ADDRESS) or the root chain (under QUARKCHAIN.ROOT.COINBASE_ADDRESS).

Note: Please remove the first two characters "0x" from the coinbase address.

Following is a snippet of the config for a single shard.

                "CONSENSUS_TYPE": "POW_ETHASH",
                "CONSENSUS_CONFIG": {
                    "TARGET_BLOCK_TIME": 10,
                    "REMOTE_MINE": true
                "GENESIS": {
                    "ROOT_HEIGHT": 0,
                    "VERSION": 0,
                    "HEIGHT": 0,
                    "HASH_PREV_MINOR_BLOCK": "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
                    "HASH_MERKLE_ROOT": "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
                    "EXTRA_DATA": "497420776173207468652062657374206f662074696d65732c206974207761732074686520776f727374206f662074696d65732c202e2e2e202d20436861726c6573204469636b656e73",
                    "TIMESTAMP": 1519147489,
                    "DIFFICULTY": 3000,
                    "GAS_LIMIT": 12000000,
                    "NONCE": 0,
                    "ALLOC": {}
                "COINBASE_ADDRESS":  "D50F23E410711C1391F5Ef88fC11245e564c76840000EF5e", 
                "COINBASE_AMOUNT": 5,
                "GAS_LIMIT_EMA_DENOMINATOR": 1024,
                "GAS_LIMIT_ADJUSTMENT_FACTOR": 1024,
                "GAS_LIMIT_MINIMUM": 5000,
                "GAS_LIMIT_MAXIMUM": 9223372036854775807,

Note the coinbase address is your Quarkchain wallet address (20-byte recipient + 4-byte full shard key). If you do not have one, please create one from our online testnet / mainnet wallet.

Mainnet mining configuration

For specifying shards in (-s or --shards)

Chain Shard Hash Algo Parameter for Block Interval QKC Per Block
0 0 Ethash 1 10s 3.25
1 0 Ethash 65537 10s 3.25
2 0 Ethash 131073 10s 3.25
3 0 Ethash 196609 10s 3.25
4 0 Ethash 262145 10s 3.25
5 0 Ethash 327681 10s 3.25
6 0 Qkchash 393217 10s 3.25
7 0 Qkchash 458753 10s 3.25

Instructions for Ethash GPU mining

Chain Shard Hash Algo Parameter for Ethminer shard ID
0 0 Ethash 1
1 0 Ethash 10001
2 0 Ethash 20001
3 0 Ethash 30001
4 0 Ethash 40001
5 0 Ethash 50001