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add: floating window decoration layout
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Quoteme committed Apr 7, 2023
1 parent 673de11 commit ed142a8
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Showing 2 changed files with 176 additions and 0 deletions.
175 changes: 175 additions & 0 deletions XMonad/Layout/SimplestFloatDec.hs
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@@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts, FlexibleInstances, MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
-- |
-- Module : XMonad.Layout.SimplestFloatDec
-- Copyright : (c) 2015 Jeffrey Lyman
-- License : BSD-style (see xmonad/LICENSE)
-- Maintainer :
-- Stability : unstable
-- Portability : unportable
-- A Floating window decorater that draws inspiration from
-- Andrea Rossato/Jan Vornberger's Layout.Decoration module

module XMonad.Layout.SimplestFloatDec
( SimplestDec(..)
, simplestDec
, Theme(..)
, def
) where

import XMonad
import XMonad.Layout.Decoration hiding (shrink)
import Control.Monad
import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
import XMonad.Util.XUtils
import XMonad.Util.Font
import XMonad.Util.Invisible
import XMonad.Hooks.UrgencyHook
import XMonad.Util.NamedWindows (getName)
import qualified XMonad.StackSet as W
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Bits
import Data.List (foldl')
import Graphics.X11.Xlib.Window

-- $usage
-- This module provides a simple decoration that allows users to move windows by
-- dragging the decoration and delete windows clicking the window decoration with
-- the second mouse button

-- | a decoration consists of a list of 'Query's to ignore, a list of 'Theme'
-- a 'Shrinker' and a 'XMonadFont' used to draw the decorations
-- For more information on 'Shrinker's and 'Themes' see "XMonad.Layout.Decoration"
data SimplestDec a = SDec [Query Bool] Theme DefaultShrinker (Invisible Maybe XMonadFont)

-- | given a list of 'Query's to ignore and a 'Theme' create a FloatDec
simplestDec :: [Query Bool] -> Theme -> FloatDec Window
simplestDec is t = FloatDec (SDec is t shrinkText (I Nothing))

-- | whether the given window should be decorated
shouldDec :: [Query Bool] -> Window -> X Bool
shouldDec qs w = not <$> foldl' p (return False) qs
where p tv q = liftM2 (||) tv (runQuery q w)

instance FloatClass SimplestDec Window where
handleFloatMessage (SDec _ Theme{decoHeight = h} _ _) m
| Just e@ButtonEvent{ ev_event_type = buttonPress, ev_button = b, ev_window = w} <- fromMessage m
= do when (b == 1) $ decMovesWindow (0, fromIntegral h) w
when (b == 2) $ decDeletesWindow w
return Nothing
handleFloatMessage _ _ = return Nothing

createFDec os@(SDec i t s _) ow = do
dec <- shouldDec i ow
if dec
then do
(f, ns) <- initFont os
dr <- decSize t ow
dw <- createDecoWindow t dr
showWindow dw
updateFDec t s f ow dw dr
return (Just dw, ns)
else return (Nothing, Nothing)

moveFDec os@(SDec _ t s _) ow dw = do
(f, ns) <- initFont os
dr@(Rectangle x y w h) <- decSize t ow
withDisplay $ \d -> do
io $ raiseWindow d dw
io $ moveResizeWindow d dw x y w h
updateFDec t s f ow dw dr
return ns

finishDecDrag _ ow _ = do
windows $ W.shiftMaster . W.focusWindow ow
return Nothing

startDecDrag _ _ dw = do
withDisplay $ \d -> io $ raiseWindow d dw
return Nothing

whileDecDrag (SDec _ Theme{ decoHeight = h } _ _) _ dw =
return $ followWindow h dw

-- Actions --

-- | Given a decoration's height, move it so that it matches it's
-- parent's position
followWindow :: Dimension -> Window -> Rectangle -> X ()
followWindow h dw (Rectangle x y w _) = withDisplay $ \d ->
io $ moveResizeWindow d dw x (y - fromIntegral h) w h

-- | given an theme and the parent window, return a rectangle
-- representing the dimensions of it's decoration
decSize :: Theme -> Window -> X Rectangle
decSize Theme {decoHeight = h} ow = do
ws <- gets windowset
let sr = screenRect $ W.screenDetail $ W.current ws
Just rr = M.lookup ow (W.floating ws)
or@(Rectangle x y w _) = scaleRationalRect sr rr
return $ Rectangle x (y - fromIntegral h) w (fromIntegral h)

-- | given a theme an a bounding rectangle, create a window for the decoration
createDecoWindow :: Theme -> Rectangle -> X Window
createDecoWindow t r = let mask = Just (exposureMask .|. buttonPressMask) in
createNewWindow r mask (inactiveColor t) True

-- | given the amount the parent should be offset from the decoration, move the
-- parrent window so that it follows the when the float window is dragged
decMovesWindow :: (Position, Position) -> Window -> X ()
decMovesWindow (dx,dy) dw = whenDec dw $ \ow -> withDisplay $ \d -> do
io $ raiseWindow d dw
io $ raiseWindow d ow
WindowAttributes{ wa_x = wax, wa_y = way } <- io $ getWindowAttributes d dw
(_, _, _, ox', oy', _, _, _) <- io $ queryPointer d dw
let ox = fromIntegral ox'
oy = fromIntegral oy'
nx ex = fromIntegral wax + fromIntegral (ex - ox)
ny ey = fromIntegral way + fromIntegral (ey - oy)
mouseDrag (\ex ey -> do io $ moveWindow d dw (nx ex) (ny ey)
io $ moveWindow d ow (dx + nx ex) (dy + ny ey) )
(float ow >> windows (W.shiftMaster . W.focusWindow ow))

-- | given a window, if it is a decoration, delete it's parent
decDeletesWindow :: Window -> X ()
decDeletesWindow w = whenDec w $ \ow -> killWindow ow

-- Drawing --

-- | ensure that the font we use for the decorations is loaded
initFont :: SimplestDec Window -> X (XMonadFont, Maybe (SimplestDec Window))
initFont (SDec _ _ _ (I (Just xf))) = return (xf, Nothing)
initFont (SDec i t s (I Nothing)) = do
xf <- initXMF (fontName t)
return (xf, Just (SDec i t s (I (Just xf))))

-- | Paint the decoration to match the theme
updateFDec :: Shrinker s => Theme -> s -> XMonadFont -> Window -> Window -> Rectangle -> X ()
updateFDec t sh fs ow dw (Rectangle _ _ wh ht) = do
nw <- getName ow
ur <- readUrgents
dpy <- asks display
let focusColor win ic ac uc = (maybe ic (\focusw -> case () of
_ | focusw == win -> ac
| win `elem` ur -> uc
| otherwise -> ic) . W.peek)
`fmap` gets windowset
(bc,borderc,tc) <- focusColor ow (inactiveColor t, inactiveBorderColor t, inactiveTextColor t)
(activeColor t, activeBorderColor t, activeTextColor t)
(urgentColor t, urgentBorderColor t, urgentTextColor t)
let s = shrinkIt sh
name <- shrinkWhile s (\n -> do size <- io $ textWidthXMF dpy fs n
return $ size > fromIntegral wh - fromIntegral (ht `div` 2)) (show nw)
let als = AlignCenter : map snd (windowTitleAddons t)
strs = name : map fst (windowTitleAddons t)
i_als = map snd (windowTitleIcons t)
icons = map fst (windowTitleIcons t)
paintTextAndIcons dw fs wh ht 1 bc borderc tc bc als strs i_als icons
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions xmonad-contrib.cabal
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