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2020 04 03 Maintainers Meeting Minutes

Nicholas Car edited this page Apr 20, 2020 · 6 revisions

First documented maintainers meeting of 2020



  • Release Channels
  • Release Publicity/Notifications (Future Plans 5.1.0/6.0.0)
  • Open Issues/5.0.0
  • Documentation
  • Python 2 Support

Release Channels

  • GitHub releases - anshlesommer will make the release
  • PyPi ashleysommer will care about putting the releases here
  • Read the Docs - probably automated, nicholascar will follow-up after the GitHub release to check this channel is working
  • Debian packages - don't know how to work this one (, - white_gecko
    • TODO: nicholascar to find out about Homebrew releases
    • TODO: white_gecko to find out about APT/YUM releases

Release Publicity/Notifications

  • website
    • nicholascar to update
  • rdflib-dev mailing list
    • TODO: white_gecko to email rdflib-dev mailing list
  • semantic web mailing list
    • TODO: white_gecko to email semantic web mailing list
  • twitter - white_gecko
  • ISWC conference lists
    • TODO: nicholascar to email ISWC list
  • multiple W3C WGs
    • DXWG
    • JSON-LD
    • ODRL
    • TODO: nicholascar to email W3C lists
  • OGC
    • Geosemantics WG
      • TODO: nicholascar to email OGC lists
  • GitHub projects downstream from rdflib
    • TODO: nichoalscar to contact all GitHub repo owners via script

What do we want to tell people?

  • 5.0.0 is out
  • please test and tell us if you have problems with our new style ;-)
  • plans for the future
    • next release will be 6.0.0, no 5.1.0 is planned
    • we will drop Python 2 & 3.4 support in 6.0.0
    • we will poll for Python 2 interest after 5.0.0 is out

Email content

Open Issues/5.0.0


Should be automatically updated on readtehdocs once the 5.0.0 branch is created. "Upgrading from RDFLib version 4.X to 5.X" will be filled by ashleysommer with changed obvious during the creation of the CHANGELOG. Once 5.0.0 is out, this should evolve when people report problems.

Consolidated Action Items/TODO

  • nicholascar to find out about Homebrew releases
  • white_gecko to find out about APT/YUM releases
  • white_gecko to email rdflib-dev mailing list
  • white_gecko to email semantic web mailing list
  • white_gecko to twitter
  • nicholascar to email ISWC list
  • nicholascar to email W3C lists (done)
  • nicholascar to email OGC lists (done)
  • nichoalscar to contact all GitHub repo owners via script
  • nichoalscar check readthedocs (done)
  • ashleysommer create changelog and fill in "Upgrading from RDFLib version 4.X to 5.X" (done)