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Code associated with "Comprehensive evaluation of collaborative filtering in drug repurposing"

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Benchmark code for "Comprehensive evaluation of collaborative filtering in drug repurposing"

License: MIT

1. System requirements

OS: Linux Debian Python version: 3.8.*

The dependencies, along with package versions, are listed in the file named requirements.txt.

2. Installation guide (estimated install time: ~30min)

Please refer to the README to install cross-platform algorithms in package benchscofi. It is strongly advised to install the Conda tool to create a virtual environment, and Pip for installing dependencies:

conda create --name benchmark_code python=3.8 -y
conda activate benchmark_code

Once the virtual environment is created:

python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt

## Test that everything is properly installed
python3 -m benchmark_pipeline 

3. Demo (estimated run time: <1min)

3.1 Instructions to run on demo data

To run a 5-fold crossvalidation for PMF on dataset Synthetic 3 times with 3 parallel jobs

python3 -m main --models "PMF" --datasets "Synthetic" --splitting random_simple --N 3 --K 5 --njobs 3 --save_folder "./"

3.2 Expected output

In the current directory, a folder named "results_PMF" has appeared, containing a boxplot (.png) that shows the variation of each validation metric across N=3 iterations, a .json file containing the parameters with which the benchmark was run, and N+2 .csv files. N=3 .csv files contain the individual run times and validation metrics for each iteration, whereas the .csv file starting with "seeds_" contains the random seeds for each iteration and the .csv file starting with "results_" contains the concatenated values of run times and validation metrics for each iteration.

4. Instructions for use

4.a Running the software on your own data

On your own implementation of an algorithm (named ALGO, a Python class contains a method "fit" and "predict_proba" similarly to models in scikit-learn with a dictionary of parameters PARAMS and/or your own drug repurposing dataset (with association matrix A, drug feature matrix S and disease feature matrix P as described in the paper), the minimal version of the benchmark for a single iteration with random seed SEED and splitting approach SPLIT (SPLIT="random_simple" or "weakly_correlated") is:

import stanscofi.datasets
import stanscofi.training_testing
import stanscofi.validation
from benchscofi import rowwise_metrics
import numpy as np
import random
from time import time
import gc
import pandas as pd



## Dataset
dataset = stanscofi.datasets.Dataset({"ratings": A, "items": S, "users": P})
split_method = "stanscofi.training_testing."+SPLIT+"_split"
(traintest_folds, val_folds), _ = eval(split_method)(
	dataset, ptest, metric="euclidean", random_state=SEED

## Training (cross-validation)
dataset_traintest = dataset.subset(traintest_folds)
start_time = time()
di_results = stanscofi.training_testing.cv_training(
	ALGO, PARAMS, dataset_traintest, K, metric, 
	k=1, beta=1, threshold=0, cv_type="random", 
runtime = time()-start_time

## Validation
best_id = np.argmax(di_results["test_metric"])
best_model = di_results["models"][best_id]
dataset_val = dataset.subset(val_folds)
p_start_time = time()
scores = best_model.predict_proba(dataset_val)
p_runtime = time()-p_start_time
predictions = best_model.predict(scores, threshold=0)

## Compute metrics

### 1. row-wise AUC (using scikit-learn) and row-wise NDCG@#items
metrics, plot_args = stanscofi.validation.compute_metrics(
	scores, predictions, dataset_val, 
	metrics=["AUC", "NDCGk", "Fscore"], 
	k=dataset_val.nitems, beta=1, verbose=False
di_metrics = metrics.iloc[:-1,:].to_dict()["Average"]
di_metrics.setdefault("training time (sec)", runtime)
di_metrics.setdefault("prediction time (sec)", p_runtime)

### 2. row-wise disagreeing AUC
lin_aucs = rowwise_metrics.calc_auc(
	scores, dataset_val, 
	transpose=False, verbose=False
lin_auc = np.mean(lin_aucs) if (np.max(lin_aucs)>0) else 0.5
di_metrics.setdefault("Lin's AUC", lin_auc)

### 3. global AUC and global NDCG@#pairs
y_val = (dataset_val.folds.toarray()*dataset_val.ratings.toarray()).ravel()
y_val[y_val<1] = 0
y_pred = scores.toarray().ravel()
auc = AUC(y_val, y_pred, 1, 1)
ndcg = NDCGk(y_val, y_pred, y_pred.shape[0], 1)

di_metrics.setdefault("global AUC", auc)
di_metrics.setdefault("global NDCG", ndcg)

### 4. Global accuracy (on known ratings)
y_val = (dataset_val.folds.toarray()*dataset_val.ratings.toarray()).ravel()
y_pred = predictions.toarray().ravel()
acc = [int(y==y_pred[iy]) for iy, y in enumerate(y_val) if (y!=0)]
di_metrics.setdefault("ACC", np.sum(acc)/len(acc))

metrics = pd.DataFrame({("%d_%s" % (inn+1,model_name)): di_metrics})

4.b Reproduction instructions: benchmark

## Folder where files are saved
## Algorithms to test
DATAS=("Cdataset" "Gottlieb" "LRSSL" "DNdataset" "PREDICT" "PREDICT_Gottlieb" "Synthetic" "TRANSCRIPT")

## Note:
## "Gottlieb" -> "Fdataset" in the paper
## "PREDICT_Gottlieb" -> "Gottlieb" in the paper

SPLITS=("random_simple" "weakly_correlated")
NJOBS=1 ## Number of parallel jobs
N=100 ## Number of runs
K=5 ## Number of folds in cross-validation

for SPLIT in "${SPLITS[@]}"
    for DATA in "${DATAS[@]}"
        echo $SPLIT"----"$DATA;
        python3 -m main --models "$ALGOS" --datasets "$DATA" --njobs "$NJOBS" --N "$N" --K "$K" --splitting "$SPLIT" --save_folder "$SAVE_FOLDER";

4.c Reproduction instructions: statistical analyses

After the benchmark, run

python3 -m analyses


Code associated with "Comprehensive evaluation of collaborative filtering in drug repurposing"







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