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Interaction System

Thane5 edited this page Jan 29, 2023 · 6 revisions

The base class "interactable" is the parent for all objects that the player can interact with. It contains the Interact() function, that is usually overriden in its children.

Those are:


Characters. Interact() will start talk mode with them


Pickable objects that are scattered around the island. You can set one item type, and a range for randomized amounts

Item Dispenser

Adds a random list element to the player inventory. The list contains "presets" for inventory objects (called LootObjects) each with a given amount value.


Load a new scene


Does nothing right now, but should work for levers and other generic interactive objects.

Redguard Notes

Inventory dependent interactions

  • Scene-interaction items (bloody bandage, keys)
  • consumable items (Potions)
  • Equip Weapon (Swords or flask of Lilandril)
  • Show Map

Dead Guard possible loot:

  • 1 Health Potion ("it's a health potion!")
  • 1 Ironskin Potion ("A potion of ironskin!")
  • 1 Stregnth Potion ("it's a strength potion!")
  • 5 gold ("Five gold pieces!"
  • 7 gold ("Seven gold pieces!")
  • 10 gold ("Some gold. This should help!")
  • 25 gold ("Ecxellent")

Guard loot is generated OnKilled. It appears to pick a random item of a list, not a numerical range of gold values.

Other characters can also drop special items, like that one pirate who drops a map of stros M'kai.

Bag of gold loot:

gold bags can contain any random integrer amount between 3-14.

No voiclines are played for Gold bags, or potions.