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Red Hat OpenShift on HPE Synergy Playbooks

This is a set of ansible playbooks to provision HPE Synergy modules in preparation for deploying a Red Hat OpenShift cluster. These playbooks use HPE OneView and the associated ansible modules to automate the provisioning. They are meant to be run from an Ansible Tower server, however can be run normally with ansible-playbook with some slight modifications.

The setup assumes using an Ansible Tower server however they could also refer to a 'control' node if not using Tower.

NOTE The playbooks provided in the GitHub repository are not supported by Red Hat. They merely provide a mechanism that can be used to build out an OpenShift Container Platform environment using HPE OneView.


The playbooks in this repo are to support a Red Hat Reference Architcture in which the full explanation of usage of these playbooks is provided.

The Red Hat reference architecture is still a work in progress, but the HPE branded version can be found on HPE's website.

These playbooks assume that an Ansible Tower and Red Hat Satellite server has already been deployed in the environment, and use an existing HPE OneView/Synergy environment to provision servers. There are a number of artifacts (golden images, build plans, scripts, etc) that will need to be added to your Synergy environment. Those artifacts are available here.

Refer to the reference architecture and artifact repo on how to set those up.


On the Tower server, a few additional packages are required:

yum install python2-jmespath python-dns httpd-tools java-1.8.0-openjdk-headless ansible-tower-cli

The HPE OneView SDK is also required, which can be installed via pip:

curl -o
pip install hpOneView dnspython

The HPE OneView modules do not currently ship with ansible, and must be installed separately:

git clone /tmp/oneview-ansible
mkdir -p /usr/share/ansible/oneview-ansible
rsync -avh --progress /tmp/oneview-ansible/library /usr/share/ansible/oneview-ansible


A sample inventory and group variable files are included in this repo under ./inventory. In addition, a number of account credentials for the integrated services (OneView, Satellite, etc) are required. If a local git repository is available, this repo should be pulled in and modified there. Otherwise, clone the repo to the Tower server and follow the below steps.

For the inventory and variables:

mkdir /etc/ansible/ocp-on-synergy
rsync -avh --progress /path/to/git/repo/inventory/* /etc/ansible/ocp-on-synergy  # sample inventory files
chmod -R awx:awx /etc/ansible/ocp-on-synergy

Then modify /etc/ansible/ocp-on-synergy/hosts and /etc/ansible/ocp-on-synergy/group_vars/* to match the target environment. To keep things simple and allow the bare-metal provisioning and OpenShift Ansible playbooks to share an inventory, the required inventory file and variables for the openshift-ansible playbooks is extended. Full details concerning the OpenShift specific variables is covered in the Advanced Install guide for Red Hat OpenShift.

The added variables define how the nodes should be provisioned, such as network information for the nodes, server profiles and OS deployment plans in OneView and credentials to access required services.

This is sample environment, where direct control over the placement of the initial nodes is desired for redundancy purposes:



[nodes]  openshift_schedulable=False ansible_host= enclosure_name='FRM1-TOP: CN1234567A' enclosure_bay=1  openshift_schedulable=False ansible_host= enclosure_name='FRM2-MID: CN1234567B' enclosure_bay=1  openshift_schedulable=False ansible_host= enclosure_name='FRM3-BTM: CN1234567C' enclosure_bay=1  openshift_node_labels="{'region': 'infra'}" ansible_host= enclosure_name='FRM1-TOP: CN1234567A' enclosure_bay=2  openshift_node_labels="{'region': 'infra'}" ansible_host= enclosure_name='FRM2-MID: CN1234567B' enclosure_bay=2  openshift_node_labels="{'region': 'infra'}" ansible_host= enclosure_name='FRM3-BTM: CN1234567C' enclosure_bay=2  ansible_host= enclosure_name='FRM1-TOP: CN1234567A' enclosure_bay=7  ansible_host= enclosure_name='FRM2-MID: CN1234567B' enclosure_bay=7  ansible_host= enclosure_name='FRM3-BTM: CN1234567C' enclosure_bay=7  ansible_host= enclosure_name='FRM1-TOP: CN1234567A' enclosure_bay=8  ansible_host= enclosure_name='FRM2-MID: CN1234567B' enclosure_bay=8  ansible_host= enclosure_name='FRM3-BTM: CN1234567C' enclosure_bay=8




[lb] ansible_host= enclosure_name='FRM3-BTM: CN1234567C' enclosure_bay=11

[glusterfs] glusterfs_ip=  glusterfs_devices='["/dev/sdb"]' glusterfs_ip=  glusterfs_devices='["/dev/sdb"]' glusterfs_ip=  glusterfs_devices='["/dev/sdb"]'


NOTE: The ansible_host variable will become the static IP for the provisioned node.

In /etc/ansible/ocp-on-synergy/group_vars/all, tailor the file to match the profiles, OS deployment plans and networking information used in OneView:

master_deployment_plan: "HPE-RHEL7.4-OpenShiftMaster"
worker_deployment_plan: "HPE-RHEL7.4-OpenShiftWorker"
cns_deployment_plan: "HPE-RHEL7.4-OpenShiftCNS"
infra_deployment_plan: "HPE-RHEL7.4-OCP-Infra"
lbnfs_deployment_plan: "HPE-RHEL7.4-OpenShiftLBNFS"
master_server_profile_template: "OCP-Master"
worker_server_profile_template: "OCP-Worker"
cns_server_profile_template: "OCP-CNS-Node"
lbnfs_server_profile_template: "OCP-LB-NFS"
infra_server_profile_template: "OCP-Infra"
deployment_plan: "{{ worker_deployment_plan }}"
server_profile_template: "{{ worker_server_profile_template }}"
## ocp
## oneview vars
  ip: ""
  username: "Administrator"
  api_version: 300
## network settings
  name: "MGMT1"
  gateway: ""
  netmask: ""
  domain: ""
  dns1: ""
  dns2: ""
dns_server: "{{ network.dns1 }}"
## satellite
satellite_user: "admin"
satellite_url: ""
inventory_path: "/etc/ansible/ocp-on-synergy"

NOTE: Additional variables are set under ./roles/provisioning/vars/main.yaml and should not have to be changed if the reference architecure is followed. If the target environment differs from the associated RA, then make changes to that file as appropriate.

With all the variables set, the inventory can now be imported to Tower. First create an empty inventory in the GUI e.g. ocp-on-synergy then run the following to import to tower:

tower-manage inventory_import --source /etc/ansible/ocp-on-synergy/ --inventory-name=ocp-on-synergy --overwrite --overwrite-vars

These playbooks use ansible-vault to encrypt sensitive login credentials. Modify passwords.yaml and vault it like so:

$ ansible-vault encrypt passwords.yml --output=roles/passwords/vars/passwords.yml
$ chmod 644 roles/passwords/vars/passwords.yml

Tower Configuration

In the previous step, an inventory should have been created in Tower. To knit the playbooks together and execute via tower, some additional steps are required.

First, the two projects need to be defined. Under the PROJECTS tab in the GUI, create 2 projects. One will contain the provisioning playbooks included in this repo stored locally or on an internal git server, while the other will point to the openshift-ansible repository on github.

A root ssh key and the password used to encrypt the credentials with ansible-vault in the previous step must be stored in Tower. Click the 'gear' icon in the Tower GUI to access the settings menu, and click credentials. Click on 'add' to create a new credential object. Create a credential of type 'machine' to store the SSH private key from the tower server, and another of type 'vault' for the vault password. The SSH key should be the same key defined in HPE OneView, injected by the Image Streamer build scripts. The names root-ssh and ocp-vault are suggestions and referred to in further configuration steps.

Job and Workflow Templates

Base Deployment

Between the two projects used, there are a number of playbooks that need to be executed. They in turn can be chained together in a workflow. Create the following job templates in Tower. The table lists values that need to be changed. The default value for the remaining options are fine.

Name Description Inventory Project Playbook Credential Forks
ocp-cleanup clean up previous deployment ocp-on-synergy ocp-on-synergy playbooks/clean.yaml MACHINE: root-ssh, VAULT: ocp-vault 20
ocp-provisioning deploy bare-metal nodes via HPE OneView ocp-on-synergy ocp-on-synergy playbooks/provisioning.yaml MACHINE: root-ssh, VAULT: ocp-vault 20
ocp-predeploy pre-deployment tasks for OCP ocp-on-synergy ocp-on-synergy playbooks/predeploy.yaml MACHINE: root-ssh, VAULT: ocp-vault 10
ocp-openshift-install deploy openshift on synergy nodes ocp-on-synergy openshift-ansible playbooks/byo/config.yml MACHINE: root-ssh 20
ocp-postdeploy post-deployment tasks for OCP ocp-on-synergy ocp-on-synergy playbooks/postdeploy.yaml MACHINE: root-ssh 10

NOTE: the ocp-cleanup job is handy if the environment will be rebuilt numerous times. It can be safely omitted if that is not the case.

They can now be combined in to a workflow. Under the Templates screen, click +ADD -> Workflow Template. Give it a name and a description, then open up the Workflow Editor. Use the editor to chain the playbooks together. Click stat and select the ocp-cleanup job from the list. Then hit the + and continue to add the remaining playbooks. The workflow order should be:

ocp-cleanup -> ocp-provisioning -> ocp-predeploy -> ocp-openshift-install -> ocp-postdeploy

Scale Up and Down

This repo coupled with the openshift-ansible playbooks can also be used to scale up or down a cluster. Some additional job and workflow templates are required. Note that for the ocp-provisioning-limited playbook, a limit is applied so the job only runs against the new server.

Name Description Inventory Project Playbook Credential Forks Limit
ocp-add_to_oneview add new node to inventory and oneview ocp-on-synergy ocp-on-synergy playbooks/add_to_oneview.yaml MACHINE: root-ssh, VAULT: ocp-vault 20 /blank/
ocp-provisioning-limited deploy bare-metal node via HPE OneView ocp-on-synergy ocp-on-synergy playbooks/provisioning.yaml MACHINE: root-ssh, VAULT: ocp-vault 10 new_nodes
ocp-openshift-scaleup deploy openshift on synergy node ocp-on-synergy openshift-ansible playbooks/byo/openshift-node/scaleup.yml MACHINE: root-ssh 20 /blank/
ocp-fix_inventory remove new node from new_nodes group ocp-on-synergy ocp-on-synergy playbooks/fix_inventory.yaml MACHINE: root-ssh, VAULT: ocp-vault 10 /blank/
ocp-scaledown remove a node from ocp and synergy ocp-on-synergy ocp-on-synergy playbooks/scaledown.yaml MACHINE: root-ssh, VAULT: ocp-vault 10 /blank/

Create a new workflow for the scaleup, similar to the base deployment, with the following steps:

ocp-add_to_oneview -> ocp-provisioning-limited -> ocp-openshift-scaleup -> ocp-fix_inventory

This workflow expects to be supplied with a host name and IP for the new node. This variables can be supplied via a survey in the workflow. Click the ADD SURVEY button. Configure the following two prompts:

Prompt Description Answer Variable Name Answer Type Required
New Hostname enter a hostname for the new node new_node String Checked
New IP enter the IP address for the new node new_ip String Checked

Similarly, the scaledown job also requires a survey. Configure that job to prompt for a target_node:

Prompt Description Answer Variable Name Answer Type Required
Target Hostname enter a hostname to remove from the cluster target_node String Checked

Run it

With all that out of the way, the jobs can now be executed from Tower. Select the ocp-on-synergy workflow, hit the rocket ship button and go for a coffee. In a little while (1-2hrs), a fully deployed Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform cluster will be available.

The scaleup and scaledown jobs can be launched in a similar manner, as demand changes. When scaling up the environment, the user will be prompted for the new hostname and IP after hitting the rocket ship, and in about 15 minutes the new node will be in the cluster. Scaledown will prompt for the node to remove and should complete in around 5 minutes.


Ansible Playbooks to Deploy Synergy Hardware via HPE OneView






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