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Kevin Daun edited this page Sep 20, 2015 · 1 revision



ROS Software Maintainer: ROBOTIS

ROBOTIS OP2 is an affordable, miniature-humanoid-robot platform with advanced computational power, sophisticated sensors, high payload capacity, and dynamic motion ability to enable many exciting research, education and outreach activities.

ROBOTIS OP2 is a new version of of ROBOTIS OP that was formerly known as DARwIn-OP.

The ROS driver essentially wraps the needed parts of the ROBOTIS Framework and makes it available in ROS. It also provides a complete robot model (URDF).

If you are new to the Robotis OP2, we recommend starting with the Robotis OP2 e-Manual.


A community page for the OP2 will follow soon. Preliminary use ROBOTIS OP Forum


A complete list of tutorials can be found under robotis_op/tutorials. This includes the installation, startup and further advanced instructions how to connect ROS with your Robotis OP2.

Library Overview

Basic Configuration

Component ROS package/stack
Robot model (URDF) robotis_op_description
Robotis Framework robotis_op_framework

Hardware Drivers and Simulation

Component ROS package/stack
Actuator Drivers robotis_op_ros_control
Camera Driver robotis_op_camera
Simulation robotis_op_gazebo

High-Level Capabilities

Component ROS package/stack
Teleop robotis_op_teleop
Rock Paper Scissors Demo robotis_op_rock_paper_scissors

Related Repositories

''Have your own OP2 libraries? Feel free to add your ros-pkg repository below.''