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A simple graphical user interface for bitmap image annotation in Python using Tkinter.


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Annotation Tool

A simple graphical user interface (GUI) for bitmap image annotation in Python 3.9+ using Tkinter.


Installing the Annotation Tool

The annotation tool can be installed from GitHub:

$ pip install git+


A minimal example of how the annotation tool can be used.

from annotation_tool import AnnotationTool

# define the image paths and layer names / classes
paths = ['image1.png', 'image2.png']
layer_names = ['foreground', 'background']

# start annotating
AnnotationTool(image_paths=paths, layer_names=layer_names)     

Buttons and Keyboard Shortcuts

The table below lists the buttons of the annotation tool with the corresponding symbol, keyboard shortcut, and explanation of the action.

         Button          Symbol Keyboard Shortcut Explanation of Action
Inspection mode <d> Switch to Inspection mode (the annotation cannot be modified).
Drawing mode <d> Switch to Drawing mode.
Reset view <r> Reset the zoom and position to display the image centered and completely in frame.
Hide annotation <v> Hide/unhide the annotation (the annotation cannot be modified while hidden).
Next image <RightArrow> Continue to the next image (if available).
Previous image <LeftArrow> Go back to the previous image (if available).
Add layer <n> Add a new annotation layer (if this is enabled).
Fill encircled <f> Enable/disable automatically filling the encircled region if the end of the drawn line connects to the start.
Threshold image <t> Annotate all pixels of the image (in grayscale) that subceed the threshold value.
Invert annotation <i> Invert the annotation (foreground becomes background and background becomes foreground).
Undo action <z> Undo the last action. By default, the last 20 actions can be reverted.
Clear annotation <c> Clear the annotation. For layers added using the '+' button, if no annotation is present, remove the layer.
Save annotation <s> Save the annotation as one multi-channel image or one image per layer depending on the configuration.
Open settings Open the settings window to adjust the threshold value, as well as the foreground and background color and opacity.

Actions and Controls

The table below lists the actions with the corresponding controls that the user can perform, depending on the mode that is active.

                Action                 Inspection mode () controls Drawing mode () controls
Pan around image Left mouse click and move <SPACE>+Left mouse click and move
Zoom in/out of image Scroll up/down Scroll up/down
Draw annotation Left mouse click and move
Erase annotation Right mouse click and move
Show brush/eraser size <b>
Adjust brush/eraser size <b>+Scroll up/down


  • Adjusting the brush/eraser size using <b>+Scroll up/down or moving the cursor while <b> is pressed occasionally results in thin, black, horizontal or vertical lines coming off of the circular size indicator. This is only a visual bug that does not affect the behaviour of the annotation tool. The lines automatically disappear after panning the image or drawing/erasing near the lines.
  • At the moment, the tool becomes slower after annotating for a while. This is most noticable when panning the image. For now, restarting the tool resolves the problem.
  • On Linux, tkinter is often by default not installed with Python. To install tkinter with Python on Debian-derived distributions like Ubuntu, use apt-get install python3-tk. Moreover, because tkinter is incompatable with the external fonts on Linux, one of the system fonts is used.
  • The tool has only been tested on Windows and Linux machines.
  • The tool was designed for and has only been tested on screens in landscape orientation.


A simple graphical user interface for bitmap image annotation in Python using Tkinter.





