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DroneCAN communicator Build Status Build Status Build Status

It is recommended to use Cyphal communicator in new designs.

DroneCAN communicator converts DroneCAN messages to ROS and vice versa.

It covers a minimal set of sensors required for such applications as Ardupilot/PX4 DroneCAN HITL simulation. This communicator can be used for other purposes as well.

1. Conversions

The tables below represent the supported conversions:


Brige name ROS msg DroneCAN msg
1 RawCommandUavcanToRos sensor_msgs/Joy esc::RawCommand
2 ArrayCommandUavcanToRos sensor_msgs/Joy actuator::ArrayCommand
3 ArmUavcanToRos std_msgs::Bool safety::ArmingStatus
4 AhrsSolutionUavcanToRos sensor_msgs::Imu ahrs::AhrsSolution
5 EscStatusUavcanToRos mavros_msgs::ESCTelemetryItem esc::Status
6 CircuitStatusUavcanToRos mavros_msgs::BatteryStatus power::CircuitStatus


Brige name ROS msg DroneCAN msg
1 BaroStaticTemperatureRosToUavcan std_msgs/Float32 air_data::StaticTemperature
2 BaroStaticPressureRosToUavcan std_msgs/Float32 air_data::StaticPressure
3 DiffPressureRosToUavcan std_msgs/Float32 air_data::RawAirData
4 GpsRosToUavcan sensor_msgs/NavSatFix gnss::Fix2
geometry_msgs/Twist gnss::Fix2
5 ImuRosToUavcan sensor_msgs/Imu ahrs::RawIMU
6 MagnetometerRosToUavcan sensor_msgs/MagneticField ahrs::MagneticFieldStrength
7 EscStatusRosToUavcan mavros_msgs::ESCTelemetryItem esc::Status
8 IceReciprocatingStatusRosToUavcan mavros_msgs::ESCStatusItem ice::reciprocating::Status
9 IceFuelTankStatusRosToUavcan std_msgs/UInt8 ice::FuelTankStatus
10 BatteryInfoRosToUavcan sensor_msgs/BatteryState power::BatteryInfo

2. Preparation

You need to perform the following steps to use this package:

  1. Clone this repository using recursive. Update submodules every time you pull this repo
  2. Install required packages using script
  3. Build libuavcan v0.1 as a static library and install it on the system globally
  4. (optionally) Build DSDL if you want to use custom messages
cd catkin_ws/src
git clone --recursive
cd uavcan_communicator
git submodule update --init --recursive

3. Running

  1. At first, you need to create a virtual can port
  2. Then specify in config/params.yaml which conversions do you need to use
  3. Then launch communicator typing:


roslaunch uavcan_communicator example_communicator.launch

4. Usage example

Below you can see an example of using the uavcan_communicator in conjunction with a VTOL dynamics simulator.

uavcan vtol dynamics simulator