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Radoslav Georgiev edited this page Sep 3, 2016 · 1 revision

The Rila\Embed class is a simple wrapper to the wp_oembed_get function.

Creating an embed object

To create a new embed, use the rila_embed( $url ) function:

$embed = rila_embed( '' );

The URL parameter should be from a website, which is among the WordPress-supported embed providers.

Template usage

Within templates, you can simply output the embed. It will be converted to the needed string.

{{ }}


You can use the width( $width ) and height( $height ) methods to manipulate the dimensions of the embed.

Please keep in mind, that only pixels heights are supported here. However, if you set a width, you can leave the height to be auto-adjusted. This way, WordPress will load the height automatically.

Full example:

{{ 1280 ).height( 720 ) }}

Sufficient example:

{{ 800 ) }}


When using data mapping, you can use the embed shortcut to quickly map an URL to an embed.

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