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Radoslav Georgiev edited this page Sep 3, 2016 · 1 revision

Images within the framework are handled by the Rila\Image class. This class encapsulates the default WordPress image functionality, including image sizes, but lets you just use it without caring about all of the available functions like wp_get_attachment_image, wp_get_attachment_image_src, get_post_thumbnail_id and etc.

Basic usage

Many properties in the framework will already contain an image. An example for this is the post featured image that is accessible through post.image.

To output the image, simply echo it:

{{ post.image }}

If you need to create an image by yourself, you can use the rila_image( $id ) function and simply provide the ID of the image:

$attachment_id = 138;
$image = rila_image( $attachment_id );
echo $image->thumbnail;

Image sizes

You can access all available image sizes as properties of an image. If we want to use the thumbnail size of the image above, we just need to add it to the end.

{{ post.image.thumbnail }}

What this property does is simply to switch the internal size, but still returns the image object. The actual conversion to an image tag is happening in the moment, when the image is converted to a string.

Image sources

When you need only the URL/source of an image, you can use the src attribute. You can also combine the attribute with an image size, when needed:

<!-- Full size -->
<div class="featured" style="background-image:url({{ post.image.src }})">

<!-- Intermediate size -->
<div class="featured" style="background-image:url({{ post.image.medium.src }})">

Image collections

You can use Rila\Collection\Images to retrieve multiple images from the database simultaneously and work with them:

$images = new Rila\Collection\Images( array( 125, 300, 221 ) );

However, in the better cases, this collection would be already mapped in your models. To do this, use the images keyword:

	'gallery_field' => 'images'

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