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A repository with a roadmap of all my skills and projects developed with the Trybe course.

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This repository contains all activities of learning developed by Rafael Santos while studying at Trybe 🚀

The course has more than 1500 hours of online and presencial classes and its subject grid addresses Introduction to the web development, Front-end, Back-end, Computer Science, Agile methodologies and Soft skills.

Fundamentals of Web Development ✔️

Block 1: Introduction - Unix & Shell
  • 1-3: Unix & Shell- Part 1
  • 1-4: Unix & Shell- Part 2
Block 2: Git & GitHub
  • 2-1: What is it and what is it for?
  • 2-2: Learning about the commands
  • 2-3: Internet - How it works
Block 3: Introduction - HTML & CSS
  • 3-1: HTML & CSS - Page structures
  • 3-2: HTML & CSS - First steps into CSS
  • 3-3: HTML & CSS - Selectors and positioning
  • 3-4: HTML Semantic
  • 3-5: Project - Lessons Learned
Block 4: Introduction - JavaScript
  • 4-1: JavaScript - First steps
  • 4-2: JavaScript - Array and loop For
  • 4-3: JavaScript - Programming logic and algorithms
  • 4-4: JavaScript - Objects and funcitons
  • 4-5: Project - Playground Functions
Block 5: Introduction - JavaScript - Projects
Block 6: HTML & CSS Advanced
  • 6-1: HTML & CSS - Forms
  • 6-2: JavaScript Libraries and CSS Frameworks
  • 6-3: CSS Flexbox - Part 1
  • 6-4: CSS Flexbox - Part 2
  • 6-5: CSS Responsive - Mobile First
  • 6-6: Project - Trybewarts
Block 7: JavaScript ES6 & Unit Tests
  • 7-1: JavaScript ES6 - let, const, arrow functions and template literals
  • 7-2: JavaScript ES6 - Objects
  • 7-3: Unit Tests with JavaScript
  • 7-4: Project - JavaScript Unit Tests
Block 8: JavaScript ES6
  • 8-1: JavaScript ES6 - Higher Order Functions - forEach, find, some, every, sort
  • 8-2: JavaScript ES6 - Higher Order Functions - map e filter
  • 8-3: JavaScript ES6 - Higher Order Functions - reduce
  • 8-4: JavaScript ES6 - spread operator, rest parameter, destructuring and more
  • 8-5: Project - Zoo functions
Block 9: Asynchronicity & Callbacks
  • 9-1: JavaScript Asynchronous and Callbacks
  • 9-2: JavaScript Promises
  • 9-3: Jest - Asynchronous Tests
  • 9-4: Project - Shopping Cart

Front-end Development ✔️

Block 10: Introduction - React
Block 11: React
  • 11-1: Components with States
  • 11-2: Events and Forms on React
  • 11-3: Project - Tryunfo
Block 12: React
Block 13: Agile Methodologies
Block 14: Automatized tests with React Testing Library
Block 15: Managing state with Redux
  • 15-1: Introduction to Redux
  • 15-2: React with Redux - Parte 1
  • 15-3: React with Redux - Practice
  • 15-4: React with Redux - Parte 2
  • 15-5: Tests in React-Redux
  • 15-6: Project - Trybe Wallet
Block 16: React Group Project
Block 17: React & Context API
Block 18: Front-end Final Project

Back-end Development ✔️

Block 19: Introduction - Back-end
  • 19-1: Docker - Utilizing Containers
  • 19-2: Manipulation and Creation of images on Docker
  • 19-3: Orchestrating Containers with Docker Compose
  • 19-4: Project - Docker Todo-List
Block 20: Introduction to SQL
  • 20-1: SQL Database
  • 20-2: Finding data in a database
  • 20-3: Filtering data specifically
  • 20-4: Manipulating Tables
  • 20-5: Project - All for One
Block 21: Functions SQL, JOINs and Normalization
  • 21-1: Most used functions on SQL
  • 21-2: Uncomplicating JOINs
  • 21-2: Transforming ideas into a database model
  • 21-3: Project - One for All
Block 25: Introduction to Web Development with NodeJS
  • 25-1: Intro - NodeJS
  • 25-2: NodeJS - Asynchronous Flux
  • 25-3: Mocha, Chai, Sinon - Back-end Tests with NodeJS
  • 25-4: Express - HTTP with NodeJS
  • 25-5: Express - Middlewares
  • 25-6: Project - Talker Manager
Block 23: Service Layer & Rest and Restful Architectures
  • 23-1: Intro - Software Architecture
  • 23-2: Software Architecture - Model layer
  • 23-3: Software Architecture - Controller and Service layer
  • 23-4: Web Architecture - Rest & Restful
  • 23-3: Software Architecture - Testing the layers
  • 23-4: Project - Store Manager
Block 24: NodeJS - ORM & Authentication
  • 24-1: ORM - Application interface with database
  • 24-2: ORM - Associations
  • 24-3: JWT - (JSON Web Token)
  • 24-4: Testing APIs with integration tests
  • 24-5: Project - Blogs API
Block 25: Deployment
Block 26: TypeScript
  • 26-1: Introduction to TypeScript
  • 26-2: Static Typing & Generics
  • 26-3: Express with TypeScript
  • 26-4: Project - Trybe Smith
Block 27: Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) & SOLID
  • 27-1: Introduction to OOP
  • 27-2: Inheritance and Interface
  • 27-3: Polimorfism
  • 27-4: SOLID - Introduction and principles S, O and D
  • 27-5: SOLID - Principles L and I
  • 27-6: Project - Trybers and Dragons
Block 28: Project TFC
Block 29: Introduction to MongoDB
  • 29-1: MongoDB - Introduction
  • 29-2: Filter Operators
  • 29-3: Consult Operators
  • 29-4: Simple Updates
  • 29-5: Complex Updates - Arrays
  • 29-6: Project - Commerce
Block 30: MongoDB with Node.js and OOP
Block 31: Back-end Final Project
Block 32: MasterClass - VPS, CI/CD
  • 32-1: Day 1
  • 32-2: Day 2

Computer Science ✔️

Block 33: Introduction to Python
Block 34: Projects Patterns
  • 34-1: OOP in Python
  • 34-2: Patterns - Iterator, Adapter, Strategy
  • 34-3: Patterns - Decorator, Observer, Factory
  • 34-4: Project - Inventory Reports
Block 35: Networks and Data Scraping
  • 35-1: Network Archtecture, Tools and Security
  • 35-2: Data Scraping
  • 35-3: Other Web Scraping Tools
  • 35-4: Project - Tech News
Block 36: Algorithms
  • 36-1: Algorithms Complexity
  • 36-2: Recursiveness and Strategies to Problem Solving
  • 36-3: Sorting and Searching Algorithms
  • 36-4: Project - Algorithms
Block 37: Data Structures I: Arrays, Lists, Queues and Stacks
  • 37-1: Computers Archtectures
  • 37-2: Arrays
  • 37-3: Nodes and Linked Lists
  • 37-4: Queues and Stacks
  • 37-5: Project - TING - Trybe Is Not Google
Block 38: Data Structures II: Hashmaps and Sets
  • 38-1: Hashmap and Dict
  • 38-2: Set
  • 38-3: Project - Restaurant Orders