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Rafnuss committed Apr 11, 2022
1 parent 746e45c commit 65c8f80
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Showing 9 changed files with 232 additions and 10 deletions.
10 changes: 0 additions & 10 deletions _pkgdown.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -35,16 +35,6 @@ reference:
desc: groundspeed or airspeed to probability
- starts_with("flight_")
- title: Dataset
desc: Dataset used for vignettes
- "pressure_maps"
- "pressure_prob"
- "pressure_timeserie"
- "light_prob"
- "static_prob"
- "static_timeserie"
- "grl"

Expand Down
232 changes: 232 additions & 0 deletions inst/extdata/18LX.R
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@@ -0,0 +1,232 @@
# This scripts combines all the codes from the vignettes of the packages. It generates all the
# data needed to run the vignette.

# Load library

# 1. PAM reading and labeling ----
# Read pam data
pam_data <- pam_read(
pathname = system.file("extdata", package = "GeoPressureR"),
crop_start = "2017-06-20", crop_end = "2018-05-02"

# Add labeling
pam_data <- trainset_read(pam_data, pathname = system.file("extdata", package = "GeoPressureR"))

# Compute stationay period
pam_data <- pam_sta(pam_data)

# 2. Pressure Map ----
# Compute pressure maps from GeoPressureAPI
pressure_maps <- geopressure_map(pam_data$pressure,
extent = c(50, -16, 0, 23),
scale = 2,
max_sample = 250,
margin = 30)

# Convert to probability map
pressure_prob <- geopressure_prob_map(pressure_maps,
s = 1,
thr = 0.9)

# Compute the most likely path
path <- geopressure_map2path(pressure_prob)
path$lat[5] <- path$lat[5] + .25

# Query the pressure timeserie at each path
pressure_timeserie <- geopressure_ts_path(path, pam_data$pressure)

saveRDS(pressure_maps, "inst/extdata/18LX_pressure_maps.rda")
saveRDS(pressure_prob, "inst/extdata/18LX_pressure_prob.rda")
saveRDS(pressure_timeserie, "inst/extdata/18LX_pressure_timeserie.rda")

# 3. Light Map ----
# Define calibration information
lon_calib <- 17.05
lat_calib <- 48.9
tm_calib_1 <- c(pam_data$sta$start[1], pam_data$sta$end[1])

# Compute twilight and read labeling file
twl <- find_twilights(pam_data$light)
csv <- read.csv(paste0(system.file("extdata", package = "GeoPressureR"), "/18LX_light-labeled.csv"))
twl$deleted <- !csv$label == ""

# Extract twilight at calibration
twl_calib <- subset(twl, !deleted & twilight >= tm_calib_1[1] & twilight <= tm_calib_1[2])

# Compute zenith angle and fit distribution
sun <- solar(twl_calib$twilight)
z <- refracted(zenith(sun, lon_calib, lat_calib))
fit_e <- fitdistr(z, "gamma")

# Add stationay period information on the twilight
twilight_sta_id <- sapply(twl$twilight, function(x) which(pam_data$sta$start < x & x < pam_data$sta$end))
twilight_sta_id[sapply(twilight_sta_id, function(x) length(x) == 0)] <- 0
twl$sta_id <- unlist(twilight_sta_id)

# Find grid information from pressure map
g <-[[1]], xy = TRUE)
g$layer <- NA

# Compute zenith angle and corresponding probability on twilight
twl_clean <- subset(twl, !deleted)
sun <- solar(twl_clean$twilight)
pgz <- apply(g, 1, function(x) {
z <- refracted(zenith(sun, x[1], x[2]))
dgamma(z, fit_e$estimate["shape"], fit_e$estimate["rate"])

# Define Log-linear Pooling
w <- 0.05

# Produce proabibility map from light data
light_prob <- c()
for (i_s in seq_len(nrow(pam_data$sta))) {
id <- twl_clean$sta_id == pam_data$sta$sta_id[i_s]
if (sum(id) > 1) {
g$layer <- exp(colSums(w * log(pgz[id, ]))) # Log-linear equation express in log
} else if (sum(id) == 1) {
g$layer <- pgz[id, ]
} else {
g$layer <- 1
gr <- rasterFromXYZ(g)
crs(gr) <- "+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs +ellps=WGS84 +towgs84=0,0,0"
metadata(gr) <- list(
sta_id = pam_data$sta$sta_id[i_s],
nb_sample = sum(id)
light_prob[[i_s]] <- gr

saveRDS(light_prob, "inst/extdata/light_prob.rda")

# 4. Preparing Data ----

# Combine light and pressure map
thr_sta_dur = 0 # in hours
sta_pres <- unlist(lapply(pressure_prob, function(x) raster::metadata(x)$sta_id))
sta_light <- unlist(lapply(light_prob, function(x) raster::metadata(x)$sta_id))
sta_thres <- pam_data$sta$sta_id[difftime(pam_data$sta$end, pam_data$sta$start, units = "hours") > thr_sta_dur]
# Get the sta_id present on all three data sources
sta_id_keep = intersect(intersect(sta_pres,sta_light),sta_thres)
# Filter pressure and light map
pressure_prob <- pressure_prob[sta_pres %in% sta_id_keep]
light_prob <- light_prob[sta_light %in% sta_id_keep]

# Compute flight information
flight = list()
for (i_f in seq_len(length(sta_id_keep)-1)){
from_sta_id <- sta_id_keep[i_f]
to_sta_id <- sta_id_keep[i_f+1]
flight[[i_f]] <- list(
start = pam_data$sta$end[seq(from_sta_id,to_sta_id-1)],
end = pam_data$sta$start[seq(from_sta_id+1,to_sta_id)],
sta_id = seq(from_sta_id,to_sta_id-1)

# Compute static prob
static_prob <- mapply(function(light, pressure, flight) {
# define static prob as the product of light and pressure prob
static_prob <- light * pressure

# replace na by zero
# tmp <- values(static_prob)
# tmp[] <- 0
# values(static_prob) <- tmp

# define metadata
metadata(static_prob) <- metadata(pressure)
metadata(static_prob)$flight <- flight

# return
}, light_prob, pressure_prob, flight)

# Add known position
lat <- seq(raster::ymax(static_prob[[1]]), raster::ymin(static_prob[[1]]), length.out = nrow(static_prob[[1]]) + 1)
lat <- lat[seq_len(length(lat) - 1)] + diff(lat[1:2]) / 2
lon <- seq(raster::xmin(static_prob[[1]]), raster::xmax(static_prob[[1]]), length.out = ncol(static_prob[[1]]) + 1)
lon <- lon[seq_len(length(lon) - 1)] + diff(lon[1:2]) / 2

lon_calib_id <- which.min(abs(lon_calib - lon))
lat_calib_id <- which.min(abs(lat_calib - lat))

tmp <- as.matrix(static_prob[[1]])
tmp[!] <- 0
tmp[lat_calib_id, lon_calib_id] <- 1
values(static_prob[[1]]) <- tmp
tmp <- as.matrix(static_prob[[length(static_prob)]])
tmp[!] <- 0
tmp[lat_calib_id, lon_calib_id] <- 1
values(static_prob[[length(static_prob)]]) <- tmp

# Compute the most likely path
path <- geopressure_map2path(static_prob)
path$lat[3] <- path$lat[3] + .25
path$lat[5] <- path$lat[5] + .25
path$lat[13] <- path$lat[13] - .25
static_timeserie <- geopressure_ts_path(path, pam_data$pressure)

# Downscale map
# static_prob <- lapply(static_prob, function(raster) {
# raster_ds <- aggregate(raster, fact = 1, fun = max, na.rm = T, expand = T)
# # keep metadata
# metadata(raster_ds) <- metadata(raster)
# return(raster_ds)
# })

saveRDS(static_prob, "inst/extdata/static_prob.rda")
saveRDS(static_timeserie, "inst/extdata/static_timeserie.rda")

# 4-5. Basic and wind Graph ----

# Location of wind data <- '~'

# create graph
grl <- graph_create(static_prob, thr_prob_percentile = .99, thr_gs = 150)

# Add wind data
filename = paste0(,"/","18IC_")
grl <- graph_add_wind(grl, pressure=pam_data$pressure, filename, thr_as = 100)

saveRDS(grl, "inst/extdata/grl.rda")
File renamed without changes.
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File renamed without changes.
File renamed without changes.
File renamed without changes.
File renamed without changes.
File renamed without changes.

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