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NYTimes Covid 19 Analysis in 2020

by Mohammad Attala Rajafar


This data is data sourced from the NYTimes about the spread of Covid-19 in the United States of America (USA) in mid-2020, the purpose of making this data according to the table is to find out how much the spread of Covid-19 in the United States was in that year. This data consists of 2 files, namely:

Main Data:

  • US Country (About the Spread of Covid, Cases, and Deaths, and total population)

Supporting data:

  • US Population & Shapes (About Population and location description)

In this project, we describe analysis using the EDA method and visualization of spatial data related to the spread of Covid 19 in the United States in 2020 using python. The dataset used is a dataset of people from various regions (states) in the United States, and the features used are also related to society and covid 19.

Here's a quick look at the data set features


  • date = Tanggal
  • county = Daerah
  • state = Negara Bagian
  • fips = Federal Information Processing Standard (ID dari Federasi Amerika Serikat)
  • state_fips = ID untuk Negara Bagian
  • county_fips = ID untuk Daerah
  • cases = Kasus Covid-19
  • deaths = Kematian akibat Covid-19
  • new_day_cases = Kasus harian baru
  • new_day_deaths = Kematian harian baru
  • cases_per_capita_100k = Kasus perkapita/populasi 100k
  • deaths_per_capita_100k = Kematian perkapita/populasi 100k
  • new_day_cases_per_capita_100k = Kasus harian baru perkapita/populasi 100k
  • new_day_deaths_per_capita_100k = Kematian harian baru perkapita/populasi 100k
  • county_pop_2019_est = Estimasi populasi di daerah tahun 2019
  • pop_per_sq_mile_2010 = Populasi per 16 Kilometer persegi tahun 2010

The library used is as follows:

  • geopandas
  • numpy
  • pandas
  • folium
  • matplotlib
  • shapely
  • plotly
  • seaborn