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Merge pull request #695 from vrurg/rakudo_3990
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Add testing of mixins under v6.e
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vrurg committed Nov 1, 2020
2 parents df8c13b + c0055b3 commit 2b6c8e6
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Showing 3 changed files with 178 additions and 3 deletions.
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions S14-roles/mixin.t → S14-roles/mixin-6c.t
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
use v6;
use v6.c;
use Test;
use lib $?FILE.IO.parent(2).add: 'packages/Test-Helpers';
use Test::Util;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -244,7 +244,7 @@ throws-like 'True but (1, 1)', Exception, gist => { $^g ~~ /'Int'/ && $g ~~ /res

group-of 3 => 'can mixin Block with True' => {
my $b = Block but True;
lives-ok { $b.WHICH };
Expand Down
174 changes: 174 additions & 0 deletions S14-roles/mixin-6e.t
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
use v6.e.PREVIEW;
use Test;
use lib $?FILE.IO.parent(2).add: 'packages/Test-Helpers';
use Test::Util;

plan 37;

# L<S14/Run-time Mixins/>

role R1 { method test { 42 } }
class C1 { }

my $x =;
$x does R1;
is $x.test, 42, 'method from a role can be mixed in';
is $x.?test, 42, '.? form of call works on a mixed-in role';
is $x.+test, 42, '.+ form of call works on a mixed-in role';
is $x.*test, 42, '.* form of call works on a mixed-in role';

role R2 { method test { 42 } }
class C2 { has $.x }
my $y = => 100);
is $y.x, 100, 'initialization sanity check';
$y does R2;
is $y.test, 42, 'method from role was mixed in';
is $y.x, 100, 'mixing in did not destroy old value';

role R3 { has $.answer is rw }
class C3 { has $.x }
$y = => 100);
$y does R3;
$y.answer = 42;
is $y.x, 100, 'mixing in with attributes did not destroy existing ones';
is $y.answer, 42, 'mixed in new attributes';

$y = => 100);
$y does (R2, R3);
$y.answer = 13;
is $y.x, 100, 'multi-role mixin preserved existing values';
is $y.answer, 13, 'attribute from multi-role mixing OK';
is $y.test, 42, 'method from other role was OK too';

my $x =;
role A { has $.a is rw }
role B { has $.b is rw }
$x does A(1);
$x does B(2);
is $x.a, 1, 'mixining in two roles one after the other';
is $x.b, 2, 'mixining in two roles one after the other';

role ProvidesFoo { method foo { } }
class NoFoo { };
is ( does ProvidesFoo).^methods(:local)>>.name, 'foo',
'mixin with "does" lists method during introspection';

throws-like { EVAL q[{ role A { my $!foo; }; role B { my $!foo; }; class C does A does B {} }] },
X::Syntax::Variable::Twigil, twigil => '!', scope => 'my',
'RT #77184'

my $a = 0 but True;
is +$a, 0, 'RT #100782 1/2';
is ?$a, Bool::True, 'RT #100782 2/2';

my $rt115390 = 0;
for 1..1000 -> $i {
$rt115390 += $i.raku;
my $error = (my $val = (^10).pick(3).min but !$rt115390);
is $rt115390, 500500,
'no crash with mixin in loop when it is not the last statement in loop';

is (class { } but role { method answer() { 42 } }).answer, 42,
'can mix a role into a type object';

use experimental :macros;
throws-like q[role popo { macro marco { $^a but popo }; marco popo; }],
role => { .^name eq 'popo' }

my $x;
lives-ok { $x = True but [1, 2] }, 'but with array literal on RHS works';
is $x.Array, [1, 2], 'but with array literal provides a .Array method';
my $x;
lives-ok { $x = True but (1, 2).list }, 'but with (1, 2).list on RHS works';
is $x.List, (1, 2).list, 'but with (1, 2).list provides a .List method';
my $x;
lives-ok { $x = True but (1, "x") }, 'but with (1, "2") on RHS works';
is $x.Int, 1, 'but with (1, "x") provides a .Int method returning 1';
is $x.Str, "x", 'but with (1, "x") provides a .Str method returning "x"';
throws-like 'True but (1, 1)', Exception, gist => { $^g ~~ /'Int'/ && $g ~~ /resolved/ },
'True but (1, 1) gets Int conflict to resolve due to generating two Int methods';

my role R { multi method foo( :$a!, ) {$a};
multi method foo( :$b!, ) {$b + 10}
my class C does R {}

is :a(2) ), 2, 'multi-dispatch mixin sanity';
is :b(3) ), 13, 'multi-dispatch mixin sanity';

group-of 3 => 'can mixin Block with True' => {
my $b = Block but True;
lives-ok { $b.WHICH };
ok $b ~~ Block;
is so $b, True;
group-of 3 => 'can mixin Code with True' => {
my $b = Code but True;
lives-ok { $b.WHICH };
ok $b ~~ Code;
is so $b, True;

my $tweak-invoked = False;
my role R {
has $.foo;
submethod TWEAK {
$tweak-invoked = True;
$!foo = 42;

my class C { };
my $obj = but R;

ok $tweak-invoked, "mixin role TWEAK submethod was invoked";
is $, 42, "mixin role attribute has been initialed";

cmp-ok sub () is nodal { }, &[~~], Callable,
'can typecheck mixins of routines against Callable';

lives-ok {
class { } but role { has $!foo is built(:bind) }
}, 'can mix in roles that use the "is built" trait at runtime';

# vim: expandtab shiftwidth=4
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -746,7 +746,8 @@ S14-roles/conflicts.t
Expand Down

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