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Rami Sabbagh edited this page Mar 27, 2020 · 2 revisions


ASM-19 is a fantasy assembly language which has been created during the lockdown days of the COVID-19 virus.

This assembly language is executed by a virtual machine in a fantasy environment.

The ASM-19 machine has the following characteristics:

  • A 64 kilo-bytes memory.
  • Operates on 16-bit integer values.
  • These values can be stored inside special memory called registers, or inside the normal 64kb memory.
  • It has 8 registers: A B C D T SP PP CK, each one of them can store a 16-bit value

The 64kb memory is divided into bytes (8-bits), and so the memory has 65536 addresses.

A memory address is the number of a byte inside the memory.

The addresses start from 0 and end at 65535, and so they're an unsigned 16-bit values and can be stored in a register or inside the memory.

16-bit values are stored in the 64kb memory as 2 bytes, following the little-endian format.

Initially all the registers and the memory of the ASM-19 machine are set to 0.

The ASM-19 instructions set has 32 instructions that can be executed.

Each instruction has a specific behavior and must do a modification to the memory or registers (at least modify the PP register).

The 32 instructions vary in size and are stored inside the 64-kb memory as 1,2,3,4 and 5 bytes values, encoded with a specific format.

Instructions are referenced to by the address of their first byte (called the Instruction Byte).

The virtual machine operates by cycles, each cycle an instruction is executed.

In each cycle, the machine executes the instruction at the address stored inside the PP register (The Program Pointer register).

Because all the registers are initialized to 0 before the machine execution start, the first instruction has to be stored at the start of the memory (address 0).

Most of the 32 instructions update the PP register with the address of the instruction stored right after the currently executed one.

The instructions can have some "parameters", which are called as operands, thery're encoded with after the instruction byte in 1,2,3 or 4 bytes (called the Operands Bytes).

An operand can specifiy either a specific register, or a literal value, or a memory reference.

A memory reference is a specific register with an offset, during execution this type of operands is replaced with a literal value, detemined by taking in the value of the specified register and adding to it the offset value.

The memory reference offset is an integer value between -16 and 15.

The 32 instructions vary in the number of operands they take:

  • There are 15 instructions which take 2 operands.
  • There are 12 instructions which take 1 operand.
  • There are 5 instructions which take no operands.

Each instruction is denoted by a 2-4 uppercase letters name.

The 32 instructions are:


From the technical side, the first operand (op1) can always be a register, a literal value, or a memory reference. And the second operand (op2) can always be a register or a literal value.

The memory references during execution are always translated into a literal value.

From the behavior side there are 3 types of operands:

  • Source operands: They represent a value:

    • If the operand is a literal value then it's that value.
    • But if the operand is a register, then it's the value inside that register.
  • Destination operands: They represent the memory for the instruction to do it's operation on:

    • If it's a register, then the instruction would do it's operation on that register, altering it's value.
    • If it's a literal value, then it's a memory address, and the instruction will do it's operation on the value at that address.
  • Address operands: They represent a memory address:

    • If it's a register, then the address is the value inside that register.
    • If it's a literal value, then the address is that value.

Instruction Set

The instructions will be specified in this format:

Instruction_Name Op1_behavior_type Op2_behavior_type

Arithmetic Instructions

The following instructions operate on unsigned 16-bit integers, and so the result values are clamped between 0 and 65535, there's not "Integer Overflow" behavior in this machine.

ADD destination source

Add source to destination (destination += source).

SUB destination source

Substract source from destination (destination -= source).

MUL destination source

Multiply destination by source (destination *= source).

DIV destination source

Divide destination by source (destination /= source).

If source had the value of 0 then that will cause the machine to HALT.

MOD destination source

Store the division remained of destination by source (destination %= source).

SWIZ destination source

This instruction took inspiration from the game EXAPUNKS, give it a look, Zachtronics deserve the best.

Swizzle the value of the destination using the value of source and store the result back in destination.

The swizzle instruction can be used to rearrange and/or extract the digits in a number as show:

Desination Mask Result
6789 4321 6789
6789 1234 9876
6789 3333 7777
6789 1211 9899
6789 2000 8000
6789 0001 0009

Bitwise Instructions

NOT destination

Inverse all the bits in destination, all 1s become 0s, and all 0s become 1s.

AND destination source

Bitwise and of destination and source (destination &= source).

OR destination source

Bitwise or of destination and source (destination |= source).

XOR destination source

Bitwise exclusive or of destination and source (destination ^= source).

SHL destination source

Logical shift left of destination by source bits (destination <<= source).

SHR destination source

Logical shift right of destination by source bits (destination >>= source).

SAR destination source

Arithmetic shift right of destination by source bits (destination >>>= source).

Miscellaneous Instructions


Halts the machine, stops the instructions execution.

This instruction has the opcode 0 on propose, so when the program ends and no HALT instruction is there, then the machine will read a 0 byte and interpreter it as HALT.


Do nothing, waste the cycle.

Transfer Instructions

Used to transfer values between registers and memory

SET destination source

Set source as the value of destination (destination := source).

GET address destination

Get the value from the specified address and store it in the destination.

Control Instructions

The control instructions use the T register to determine their actions, and it's manipulated as a signed 16-bit integer.

The value of T is clamped between -32768 and 32767.

CMP destination source

Used to compare 2 values, updates the T register.

T = (value of destination) - source

JG address

Jump if Greater, jumps to address if destination < source when CMP was executed, in other words if T > 0.

JNG address

Jump if Not Greater, jumps to address if destination >= source when CMP was executed, in other words if T <= 0.

JL address

Jump if Lesser, jumps to address if destination > source when CMP was executed, in other words if T < 0.

JNL address

Jump if Not Lesser, jumps to address if destination <= source when CMP was executed, in other words if T >= 0.

JE address

Jump if Equeal, jumps to address if destination == source when CMP was executed, in other words if T == 0.

JNE address

Jump if Not Equeal, jumps to address if destination != source when CMP was executed, in other words if T != 0.

JMP address

Unconditional jump.

Stack Instructions

They store values in a stack structure, in which the first value in is the last value out (FILO).

When a value is added to the stack, it's stored in the memory at the address stored in register SP (Stack Pointer register) and then SP is increased by 2.

When a value is removed from the stack, the SP register is decreased by 2, and the value is retrieved from the address stored in SP.

PUSH source

Inserts the value to the stack.

POP destination

Removes a value from the stack.

CALL address

Inserts the address of the instruction after CALL to the stack, and jump to address.


Removes a value from the stacks and jumps to it.

Extensions Instructions

Those instructions allows modifying the virtual machine to add extra functionality to it.

EXTI source

Activate the extension with the ID of source.


The extension instruction A, behaves depending on the activated extension, by default acts as NOP.


The extension instruction B, behaves depending on the activated extension, by default acts as NOP.

The 8 registers:

  • A, B, C, D: They are general propose registers and can be used for any propose by the programmer.
  • T: Used by the conditional instructions, contains the only signed value in the machine.
  • PP: Program Pointer, contains the address of the current instruction.
  • SP: Stack Pointer, contains the address for storing the next stack element in.
  • CK: Clock register, increased by 1 each cycle, can be used for timers, stops increasing at 65535 due to 16-bits limit, must be reset by the program.