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Randy Paredis edited this page Jun 14, 2020 · 12 revisions

Bugs are tricky little things. Both in nature as digitally. But I might be able to help! If all else fails, let me know and I'll jump right on it!

Known Bugs

Often, bugs can be annoying and frustrating, therefore it is good to inform the developers of issues you run into. It's better to ask once to many than not ask at all (this is a general lifeline).

For GraphDonkey, some bugs are common and known by me, which I've listed below. These are on the top of the list to be fixed in a future version.

  • The completer font size does not change with the preferences
  • The home key has some strange quirks
  • Automatic indentation is not working as it should
  • Treeview throws segfault on reopening after it was placed in full screen on external monitor

Did you run into another error or a bug? Please let me know!


The wontfix label is usually associated with bugs that will not get a solution. This is often used if there are things beyond the developer's control. Alas, GraphDonkey is not in the clear for issues like this. The following list is a list of bugs that will not be fixed because of the explained reason. Thank you for your understanding.

  • Copying and cutting text from the editor before closing it clears the clipboard.
    • This issue is linked to the OS. For efficiency, a clipboard stores a reference to the copied data, instead of the actual data. When the application closes, this reference isn't pointing to anything anymore. Without the use of a proper clipboard manager, this issue cannot be fixed.
  • Windows does strange things w.r.t. fonts and external monitors. This issue results in the application font changing when dragging the Welcome Wizard from the monitor to monitor. This issue has been marked as an OS issue and therefore won't be fixed in GraphDonkey itself.
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