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Randy Paredis edited this page Jun 4, 2020 · 13 revisions

Below, I've listed all features I'd like to see in future versions. Feel free to suggest new ideas and features!

(See also text.txt in the version branch)

  • [0.2.3] Add more plugins by default (to allow numerous possibilities for new users). Possible expansions include:
  • [0.2.4] Styling Update (make it all look better)
  • [0.2.4] Add Auto-Update
  • [0.3.0] Extend with more complex ways of rendering
    • OGDF Engine
    • (Rich)Text/HTML View
      • HTML
      • Markdown
    • Table View (CSV/TSV files)?
    • 3D View?
  • [0.3.1] Add animation possibility
    • Add "trace" visualizer/file format to show a trace of a datastructure
  • [0.4.0] Add "project browser"
  • [1.0.0] Interactive view of DOT files
    • Similar to XDot
    • Onclick of node: edit features
    • Quick connections
    • Should make Editor only useful for advanced features
    • Layers?
  • [1.0.0] Add mouse control section to 'Shortcuts' in the Preferences
    • Rename 'Shortcuts' to 'Controls'
  • [1.1.0] Add all different node and edge types in interactive mode
  • [1.2.0] Multiple Languages (i18n)
  • [1.2.0] Style/Theme/Plugin Finder
    • Possibly via merging styles/themes in the plugin system itself
    • Online Plugin Library?
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