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Maintaining Wiki

David Dix edited this page May 4, 2020 · 3 revisions

Below are my notes on the development environment and the tools used to maintain the wiki.

Development Tools

All development of the wiki is done using Visual Studio Code

The following list of Extensions are used to make life easy in linting and spell checking etc.

Extension Description
Git Graph View a git graph of the repository
TODO Highlighter Useful TODO management extension
markdownlint Markdown file linter
Markdown Preview Github Styling Make your markdown look like github
Code Spell Checker A basic spell checker
JSON Tools JSON formatter & beautifier
Bracket Pair Colorizer Bracket colorizer

Markdown Linter

Check out the .markdownlint.json file for details of the rules disabled.


I clone the locally and edit directly using Visual Studio Code.

In developing and maintaining the wiki I use the following workflow:


I keep a separate git branch called develop for making all the current edits. All changes are done on this branch and validated using the builtin Visual Studio Code Markdown: Open Preview to Side command (CMD-K V).

Using the Markdown Preview Github Styling enables you to see exactly what your edits will look like when pushed to Github.

Preview on GitHub

In order to preview on Github before pushing to the main repository I have forked the repo to my own Github account. I have then set up an additional remote repository in my clone, as follows:

git remote add githubtest

When I am ready to review exactly how Github renders my results before pushing them to the master branch of I use the following git command to push my develop branch to the master branch of my own fork.

git push --force githubtest develop:master

I am then able to review the results on Github at

Pushing Latest Changes

Once reviewed, the latest changes in develop can be merged into master and then pushed to the master branch of using the following commands:

git checkout master
git pull
git merge develop
git push

The git pull in the above is to ensure we pull any changes made by other members working on the Wiki repo.

Clone this wiki locally