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This is a fork of David Santiago's hickory Library.

Hickory parses HTML into Clojure data structures, so you can analyze, transform, and output back to HTML. HTML can be parsed into hiccup vectors, or into a map-based DOM-like format very similar to that used by clojure.xml.


To start, you will want to process your HTML into a parsed representation. Once the HTML is in this form, it can be converted to either Hiccup or Hickory format for further processing. There are two parsing functions, parse and parse-fragment. Both take a string containing HTML and return the parser objects representing the document. (It happens that these parser objects are Jsoup Documents and Nodes, but I do not consider this to be an aspect worth preserving if a change in parser should become necessary).

The first function, parse expects an entire HTML document, and parses using an HTML5 parser, Jsoup, which will fix up the HTML as much as it can into a well-formed document. The second function, parse-fragment, expects some smaller fragment of HTML that does not make up a full document, and thus returns a list of parsed fragments, each of which must be processed individually into Hiccup or Hickory format. For example, if parse-fragment is given "<p><br>" as input, it has no common parent for them, so it must simply give you the list of nodes that it parsed.

These parsed objects can be turned into either Hiccup vector trees or Hickory DOM maps using the functions as-hiccup or as-hickory.

Here's a usage example.

user=> (use 'hickory.core)
user=> (def parsed-doc (parse "<a href=\"foo\">foo</a>"))
user=> (as-hiccup parsed-doc)
([:html {} [:head {}] [:body {} [:a {:href "foo"} "foo"]]])
user=> (as-hickory parsed-doc)
{:type :document, :content [{:type :element, :attrs nil, :tag :html, :content [{:type :element, :attrs nil, :tag :head, :content nil} {:type :element, :attrs nil, :tag :body, :content [{:type :element, :attrs {:href "foo"}, :tag :a, :content ["foo"]}]}]}]}
user=> (def parsed-frag (parse-fragment "<a href=\"foo\">foo</a> <a href=\"bar\">bar</a>"))
user=> (as-hiccup parsed-frag)
IllegalArgumentException No implementation of method: :as-hiccup of protocol: #'hickory.core/HiccupRepresentable found for class: clojure.lang.PersistentVector  clojure.core/-cache-protocol-fn (core_deftype.clj:495)

user=> (map as-hiccup parsed-frag)
([:a {:href "foo"} "foo"] " " [:a {:href "bar"} "bar"])
user=> (map as-hickory parsed-frag)
({:type :element, :attrs {:href "foo"}, :tag :a, :content ["foo"]} " " {:type :element, :attrs {:href "bar"}, :tag :a, :content ["bar"]})

In the example above, you can see an HTML document that is parsed once and then converted to both Hiccup and Hickory formats. Similarly, a fragment is parsed, but it cannot be directly used with as-hiccup (or as-hickory), it must have those functions called on each element in the list instead.

The namespace provides zippers for both Hiccup and Hickory formatted data, with the functions hiccup-zip and hickory-zip. Using zippers, you can easily traverse the trees in any order you desire, make edits, and get the resulting tree back. Here is an example of that.

user=> (use '
user=> (require '[ :as zip])
user=> (-> (hiccup-zip (as-hiccup (parse "<a href=foo>bar<br></a>"))) zip/node)
([:html {} [:head {}] [:body {} [:a {:href "foo"} "bar" [:br {}]]]])
user=> (-> (hiccup-zip (as-hiccup (parse "<a href=foo>bar<br></a>"))) zip/next zip/node)
[:html {} [:head {}] [:body {} [:a {:href "foo"} "bar" [:br {}]]]]
user=> (-> (hiccup-zip (as-hiccup (parse "<a href=foo>bar<br></a>"))) zip/next zip/next zip/node)
[:head {}]
user=> (-> (hiccup-zip (as-hiccup (parse "<a href=foo>bar<br></a>"))) 
           zip/next zip/next 
           (zip/replace [:head {:id "a"}]) 
[:head {:id "a"}]
user=> (-> (hiccup-zip (as-hiccup (parse "<a href=foo>bar<br></a>"))) 
           zip/next zip/next 
           (zip/replace [:head {:id "a"}]) 
([:html {} [:head {:id "a"}] [:body {} [:a {:href "foo"} "bar" [:br {}]]]])
user=> (-> (hickory-zip (as-hickory (parse "<a href=foo>bar<br></a>"))) 
           zip/next zip/next 
           (zip/replace {:type :element :tag :head :attrs {:id "a"} :content nil}) 
{:type :document, :content [{:type :element, :attrs nil, :tag :html, :content [{:content nil, :type :element, :attrs {:id "a"}, :tag :head} {:type :element, :attrs nil, :tag :body, :content [{:type :element, :attrs {:href "foo"}, :tag :a, :content ["bar" {:type :element, :attrs nil, :tag :br, :content nil}]}]}]}]}
user=> (hickory-to-html *1)
"<html><head id=\"a\"></head><body><a href=\"foo\">bar<br></a></body></html>"

In this example, we can see a basic document being parsed into Hiccup form. Then, using zippers, the HEAD element is navigated to, and then replaced with one that has an id of "a". The final tree, including the modification, is also shown using zip/root. Then the same modification is made using Hickory forms and zippers. Finally, the modified Hickory version is printed back to HTML using the hickory-to-html function.

Hickory format

Why two formats? It's very easy to see in the example above, Hiccup is very convenient to use for writing HTML. It has a compact syntax, with CSS-like shortcuts for specifying classes and ids. It also allows parts of the vector to be skipped if they are not important.

It's a little bit harder to process data in Hiccup format. First of all, each form has to be checked for the presence of the attribute map, and the traversal adjusted accordingly. Raw Hiccup vectors might also have information about class and id in one of two different places. Finally, not every piece of an HTML document can be expressed in Hiccup without resorting to writing HTML in strings. For example, if you want to put a doctype or comment on your document, it has to be done as a string in your Hiccup form containing "<!DOCTYPE html>" or "<!--stuff-->".

The Hickory format is another data format intended to allow a roundtrip from HTML as text, into a data structure that is easy to process and modify, and back into equivalent (but not identical, in general) HTML. Because it can express all parts of an HTML document in a parsed form, it is easier to search and modify the structure of the document.

A Hickory node is either a map or a string. If it is a map, it will have some subset of the following four keys, depending on the :type:

  • :type - This will be one of :comment, :document, :document-type, :element
  • :tag - A node's tag (for example, :img). This will only be present for nodes of type :element.
  • :attrs - A node's attributes, as a map of keywords to values (for example, {:href "/a"}). This will only be present for nodes of type :element.
  • :content - A node's child nodes, in a vector. Only :comment, :document, and :element nodes have children.

Text and CDATA nodes are represented as strings.

This is almost the exact same structure used by clojure.xml, the only difference being the addition of the :type field. Having this field allows us to process nodes that clojure.xml leaves out of the parsed data, like doctype and comments.


To get hickory, add

[me.raynes/hickory "0.4.2"]

to your project.clj, or an equivalent entry for your Maven-compatible build tool.


  • Released version 0.3.0. Provides a more helpful error message when hickory-to-html has an error. Now requires Clojure 1.4.

  • Released version 0.2.3. Fixes a bug where hickory-to-html was not html-escaping the values of tag attributes.

  • Released version 0.2.2. Fixes a bug where hickory-to-html was improperly html-escaping the contents of script/style tags.

  • Released version 0.2.1. This version fixes bugs:

    • hickory-to-html now properly escapes text nodes
    • text nodes will now preserve whitespace correctly
  • Released version 0.2.0. This version adds a second parsed data format, explained above. To support this, the API for parse and parse-fragment has been changed to allow their return values to be passed to functions as-hiccup or as-hickory to determine the final format. Also added are zippers for both Hiccup and Hickory formats.


Copyright © 2012 David Santiago

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.


HTML as data






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