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FAQ (Troubleshooting)

Ali Hussain edited this page Sep 28, 2023 · 1 revision

Differences between a Workspace and a Modpack


A group of mods you can toggle on and off in sd:/ultimate/mods, (previously sd:/ultimate/umm) or rom:/arc/.


A preset file that is handled by ARCropolis 3.2.0+ that keeps track of a collection of your mod folders in sd:/ultimate/mods. You can change these by going to the Workspaces option in the ARCropolis menu, located where the EShop button is on the smash Main Menu.

How can I use this on a Nintendo Switch emulator?

As of the moment of writing, Yuzu is not supported. And while Ryujinx is currently supported, it is not the job of the developers of ARCropolis to specifically cater to emulator users when dealing with bugs not pertaining to ARCropolis specifically. It is hard enough to work on Switch hardware without having to deal with emulators having their own bunch of issues on the side. Please contact the developers of the respective emulator to discuss issues with ARCropolis support, unless it is an issue with ARCropolis itself.

Thanks to Shadòw (Skyline's creator and maintainer), for adding Skyline support to Ryujinx.

Can my Switch get banned if I use ARCropolis?

Nintendo could definitely try to stop ARCropolis and its users if they wanted to, but nothing has happened yet.
I think this is in part because we do not try to tamper with the online experience of Smash and so I'd like people to behave accordingly when using it online.
Don't make Sakurai-san angry, please.

The general consensus is:

  • Do not mod files that can give you some form of advantage online (parameter tweaks, movesets, ...)
  • Do not have weird online activity (Playing Giga Bowser in public arenas or quickplay, ...)

People usually refer to their mods as wifi-safe. However, always think for yourself and do not take things at face value.
In the end, there is no way to answer this question with certainty, but behave properly online and you'll be fine. The chances of getting banned are extremely slim and virtually never happened so far.

What information does ARCropolis send when online?

None at all! While the version of your current ARCropolis is sent to the update server on boot, it isn't stored.
If it were to change for some reason (most likely for usage statistics), it will be opt-in and disabled by default.

Will it break with future Smash updates?

In theory, no. ARCropolis has been made version agnostic since version 0.9.5.
However, something can still happen if the code changes too much and there isn't much that can do about it except for manually updating the code.

When is support for "one-slot" mods coming back? There are plenty of "fake one-slot" mods out there.

As of ARCropolis 2.0.0, one-slots are supported again, albeit in a much more stable manner. You should be able to have skin mods and voice mods specific to one slot.

What is a "File Conflict?"

A file conflict is a failsafe of ARCropolis since ARCropolis version 3.0.0. Previously, if there were multiple files with the same name or that were overlapping, ARCropolis would simply pick a file to load (usually the latest file it read), and it was not consistent or stable. Now, if there are files that overlap, ARCropolis will prompt you to ask if you wish to correct this conflict. If you hit no, ARCropolis will not load any of these conflicting files at all. If you hit yes, ARCropolis will create a file named conflicts.json in the directory sd:/ultimate/arcropolis/. In order to correct these conflicts, you can do one of three things:

  • Disable the mod being loaded by ARCropolis via the Mod Manager.
  • Delete one (or more) of the mods causing a conflict
  • Merge the files together somehow (via editing them manually)

If there are no more conflicts, then there will no longer be a prompt to fix said conflicts.

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