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Configuration through reacoma.ini

James Bradbury edited this page Sep 1, 2023 · 4 revisions

ReaCoMa can be configured in some key ways using a reacoma.ini file. This file has to exist in a specific location, and has to conform to a certain format to work. It can be used to modify how ReaCoMa functions, such as determining which FluCoMa CLI Binaries get used to process audio files and where the default location is for files that are created by ReaCoMa.

Location of reacoma.ini

The reacoma.ini file has to exist in the Scripts folder in the REAPER resource path.

To find the resource path (and thus the Scripts folder) you can access it via the menu Options -> Show REAPER resource path.


So for macOS the full path is: ~/Library/Application Support/REAPER/Scripts.

File Format

The reacoma.ini file is a typical ini format. The following example demonstrates all the possible options you can use.

#files are output to the same location as the source
# files are output to the REAPER Media folder

# files are output to this folder. It MUST exist.

# a custom location for the FluCoMa CLI Binaries
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