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#ReadyTalk Jenkins DSL

Build Status

Built on top of the upstream Netflix DSL (jenkins-job-dsl), but otherwise represents a separate layer This ensures that we can swap out the underlying system somewhat, such as making use of the workflow plugin once it matures more.

In-depth documentation

##Getting started:

For a simple github repo with a shell command:


- basicJob:
      repo: owner/repository
      command: |

Then in your build.gradle (assuming a seed job that sets the APIKEY token):

buildscript {
  repositories {
  dependencies {
    classpath "com.readytalk.jenkins:plugin:0.11.0"

plugins.apply 'com.readytalk.jenkins'

jenkins {
  url = ''
  user = 'jenkins'
  password = System.env.APIKEY

  dsl file('jobs.yml')

For now, the gradle plugin is the only interface, but a proper CLI-based interface is planned for those not using gradle.


Integrates the component dsl into Gradle and provides a smart interface to Jenkins


  • Doesn't change whether a job is disabled when modifying configs in Jenkins
  • Can dump generated xml to locally as well as push to a running Jenkins instance
  • Native support for component dsl model blocks
  • Supports YAML-based syntax in addition to groovy dsl
  • Supports the CloudBees Folders plugin


  • Gradle 2.1+
  • Java 8 (may be relaxed to Java 7, but I'd rather encourage adoption of 8)


  • Supports views in theory, but untested and unsupported by the component dsl
  • No folder support yet
  • Can't replace jobs of different jenkins archetypes (e.g. replace maven job type with a regular job)
  • Currently only supports regular "freestyle" jobs
- basicJob:
    name: myJob
jenkins {
  url ''
  model {
    basicJob('myJob') {

It can also read dsl script files:

jenkins {
  dsl file('jenkins.groovy')
model {

CloudBees Folders plugin support:

jenkins {
  dsl('FolderPath', file('jenkins.yml'))

Other notes:

  • No Jenkins plugin validation - if the DSL references plugins you don't have installed on Jenkins, it won't work
  • Doesn't delete jobs, only creates or updates them