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Website hosting server (think GitHub Pages) designed to deeply integrate with Traefik for routing and TLS termination.

Work in progress


Create a directory of directories, where the name of each directory is the hostname of a site you want to serve, with its content inside.

│   └── index.html
    └── index.html

How the files get there is up to you. Minio, rsync, webdav, ansible, doesn't matter.

How it works

traefik-pages integrates with Traefik via the HTTP provider. When Traefik hits the API, traefik-pages lists the directories containing sites to get the hostnames required, and returns a configuration of routers for Traefik to use. These routers have rules matching the hostnames from the directories, and services matching the one specified for traefik-pages. Traefik constantly polls traefik-pages for an updated configuration, so newly created sites wll be quickly picked up on.


First, create a container for traefik-pages:

    image: theorangeone/traefik-pages:latest
      - ./sites:/mnt/sites:ro
      - SITES_ROOT=/mnt/sites
      - TRAEFIK_SERVICE=traefik-pages@docker
      - AUTH_PASSWORD=hunter2
      - traefik.enable=true

This doesn't need to be in the same file as Traefik, but it does need to be accessible to Traefik using a fixed hostname and IP. If Traefik is running in host mode (as I do), you'll need to bind traefik-pages to an internal interface, and listen to that.

The label enables traefik autoconfiguration to detect traefik-pages. Note that $TRAEFIK_SERVICE must match the service name created by traefik.

Next, you'll need to create a HTTP provider for Traefik, using the ports and password previously configured.

      - "http://hunter2@"

Here you can also configure the polling interval for traefik-pages.

Now, simply start Traefik and traefik-pages, and they should begin communicating and creating routers for your sites.


Configuration for traefik-pages is done entirely through environment variables:

  • $SITES_ROOT: Directory where sites are stored (required).

  • $TRAEFIK_SERVICE: Service name for traefik-pages, where traffic will be routed (required).

  • $AUTH_PASSWORD: Basic auth username required for access to private URLs (/.traefik-pages/*) (required).

  • $DENY_PREFIXES: Comma-separated list of URL prefixes to ignore (immediately return 404). Empty by default.

  • $LOG_INTERNAL: Whether to log requests for internal URLs (default false).

  • $TRAEFIK_CERT_RESOLVER: Traefik certificate resolver to use to provision TLS certificates (by default no certificates will be requested).

  • $PORT: Port to listen on (default 5000).

  • $WORKERS: Number of worker processes to handle requests (default 1).


traefik-pages is written in Rust, and designed to be as fast as possible.

Requests per second:    6786.85 [#/sec] (mean)
Time per request:       14.734 [ms] (mean)
Time per request:       0.147 [ms] (mean, across all concurrent requests)
Transfer rate:          1471.37 [Kbytes/sec] received

Connection Times (ms)
              min  mean[+/-sd] median   max
Connect:        0    0   0.1      0       2
Processing:     3   15   5.5     14      51
Waiting:        2   14   5.5     14      51
Total:          3   15   5.5     14      51

Percentage of the requests served within a certain time (ms)
  50%     14
  66%     16
  75%     17
  80%     18
  90%     21
  95%     25
  98%     30
  99%     35
 100%     51 (longest request)

These tests were run on a 2600X, with a single worker process.