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NBT Workbench

NBT Workbench is an NBT editing application, the successor to NBT Studio, which is in turn the successor to NBTExplorer. NBT Workbench is written completely from scratch in Rust and designed to be as performant and efficient as possible.


(Features marked with a ☆ are new and not available in NBT Studio or Explorer):

  • Java NBT files (level.dat / hotbar.nbt)
  • Java region files (.mca / .mcr)
    • ☆ Now supports the new 1.21 LZ4 compression format
    • ☆ Now supports the 1.20.2 NBT packet format
  • SNBT files (.snbt)
  • Bedrock files (.nbt, .dat, .mcstructure)
    • ☆ List as root element
  • Web Version
  • Save as dialog
  • Create new nbt file / new region file
  • Tags can be selected, dragged and dropped to move them around.
  • ☆ Action wheel
    • By holding right-click over an NBT tag: A circular action wheel will appear, which will let you make specific changes to NBT tags, this includes:
    • Copying the condensed/raw or formatted/pretty SNBT version of a tag.
    • ☆ Opening an array in a preferred hex editor.
    • ☆ Opening NBT as SNBT in a preferred text editor.
    • ☆ Sorting Compounds alphabetically or by type.
  • ☆ Editing tag key/values in one click by simply being overtop the text.
  • ☆ Searching with substrings, regex and snbt matching.
  • ☆ Bookmarks
  • ☆ Autosave
  • ☆ Line Numbers
  • ☆ Dark Mode
  • ☆ Colored Text
  • ☆ Remastered NBT Explorer Art
  • ☆ CLI Mode nbtworkbench -?
    • nbtworkbench find to search across multiple files
    • nbtworkbench reformat to reformat the extensions of multiple files
  • ☆ Tabs
  • ☆ The fastest NBT read / write around

Keybinds (in order of processing)

(Keybinds marked with a ☆ are new and not available in NBT Studio or Explorer):

  • (on Selected Text)
    • [↑] moves up to previous line.
    • [↓] moves down to next line.
    • ☆ [Ctrl + ↑] moves up to first child with the same parent.
    • ☆ [Ctrl + ↓] moves down to last child with the same parent.
    • ☆ [Ctrl + Shift + ↑] moves element up one.
    • ☆ [Ctrl + Shift + ↓] moves element down one.
    • [Alt + ←] closes currently selected element.
    • [Alt + →] opens currently selected element.
    • ☆ [Alt + Shift + →] fully expands currently selected element.
  • [Ctrl + F] Focus find box.
  • [+] Zoom in.
  • [-] Zoom out.
  • ☆ [1 to 8] Jump to nth tab.
  • ☆ [9] Jump to last tab.
  • [Ctrl + R] Reload tab.
  • ☆ [Ctrl + Shift + F] Toggle freehand mode. (Disables selecting text and makes toggle button extend horizontally to make for quick maneuvering)
  • ☆ [Ctrl + Alt + T] Change theme.
  • [Ctrl + N] New tab.
  • [Ctrl + Shift + N] New region file tab.
  • [Ctrl + O] Open file.
  • [Ctrl + S] Save file.
  • [Ctrl + Shift + S] Save file as.
  • ☆ [Ctrl + W] Close tab.
  • [Ctrl + Z] Undo.
  • [Ctrl + Y] / [Ctrl + Shift + Z] Redo.
  • ☆ [Ctrl + D] Duplicate hovered element below.
  • [Ctrl + C] Copy hovered element as SNBT to clipboard.
  • ☆ [Ctrl + Shift + C] Copy hovered element as pretty SNBT to clipboard.
  • [Ctrl + X] Cut hovered element as SNBT to clipboard.
  • ☆ (to create new template elements)
    • [1] Create byte.
    • [2] Create short.
    • [3] Create int.
    • [4] Create long.
    • [5] Create float.
    • [6] Create double.
    • [7] Create byte array.
    • [8] Create int array.
    • [9] Create long array.
    • [0] Create string.
    • [-] Create list.
    • [=] Create compound.
    • [`] Create chunk.
    • [V] Create from clipboard.


NBT Workbench was made by myself, Katie; however, it would not come to be without the lovely projects below inspiring it.





For Windows

  • You must have Rust 1.80.0+ [Nightly] (target: x86_64-pc-windows-msvc)
  • Uncomment the windows-only section of your Cargo.toml file and make sure the other sections are commented out.
  • Run the following command to make a release build in ./target/x86_64-pc-windows-msvc/release:
    cargo +nightly build --release --target x86_64-pc-windows-msvc -Zbuild-std=std,panic_abort -Zbuild-std-features=panic_immediate_abort -- -Ctarget-feature=+avx

For Wasm

  • You must have Rust 1.80.0+ [Nightly] (target: x86_64-pc-windows-msvc)
  • You must have wasm-pack installed using cargo
  • Uncomment the wasm-only section of your Cargo.toml file and make sure the other sections are commented out.
  • Run the following command to compile for web assembly in ./web:
    wasm-pack build --release --target web --out-name nbtworkbench --out-dir web