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Creating an Island

Red edited this page Apr 9, 2021 · 7 revisions

Creating an island is super easy, but also super important in starting your SkyBlock journey. Here's how to do it:

Upon joining a new server, run the command /is create--this command will not work if a SkyBlock world has not been set or if an island zone has not been created. You will be taken to the SkyBlock world and placed on your island. All of the SkyBlock starting items defined in the config file will appear in your inventory. Welcome to SkyBlock!

After you have made an island, you can choose where you want everyone to appear on your island when they teleport to it by standing in the position you want players to appear and running the command /is setspawn.

If you don't want other players to be able to teleport to your island, you can lock your island with /is lock on. Players will no longer be able to teleport to your island.

If, after a while, you decide that you want to reallow players, just run the command /is lock off and your island will, once again, be open to the public.

If you decide that you like the public and maybe even want to team up with some of the other players, you can add some members to your island, which will allow them to take part in the creation of your island. You can do this just by running the command /is add <player>.

Sometimes, some people can do weird things, and if you have a member who is being one of those people and is doing some weird things, removing them from your island is an option available to you! Just run the command /is remove <player> and just like that, they will be removed from your member list.

Now that you have an awesome island, you might want to go and visit some other islands. You can do just that with the /is tp [player] command. And, when you're ready to head back home, just run the command /is tp.

Now, let's continue on the journey to becoming a skyblock expert as those are only a fraction of the commands. Here's the full list of player commands