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Editing the Config

Red edited this page Jul 1, 2021 · 5 revisions

The RedSkyBlock config is a great tool. One that you can use to change how RedSkyBlock functions on your server. There are a great many options and customizations to be made within the config. To get started, find the plugin_data folder of your Pocketmine server.

Once you have located the correct folder, find the RedSkyBlock folder within that folder. Inside of the RedSkyBlock folder you should find two files: Config.yml and SkyBlock.json. You will only ever need to enter the config.yml file. It is not recommended to edit anything inside of the SkyBlock.json file or the Players data directory as it is maintained by the plugin and any changes could result in the plugin breaking and potential damage to your server. Open the config.yml file.

Make sure to read the comments above each value in the config file. These comments will inform you of what each value does and how it can be changed.

Here is a list of things you can change within the config file:

  • Version: This helps the plugin determine if the correct config version is being used. DO NOT CHANGE!
  • Spawn Command: Turn this off if using another plugin to handle the server spawn
  • Spawn Hunger: If off players will not need food in the spawn world
  • Spawn Damage: If off players will not be able to PVP in the spawn world.
  • Island Hunger: If off players will not need food in the SkyBlock world.
  • Island PVP: If off players cannot PVP in the skyblock world.
  • Nether Islands: If false the plugin will disable nether SkyBlock
  • Generator Ores: These values determine what ores will be generated when lava and water mix. Use the format ID:PERCENT when adding new ores. All Percent values must add up to 100.
  • Starting Items: These values determine what items a player will receive when they first create their island. Use the format ID:META:AMOUNT when adding new items.
  • Island Zone: These values contain the first and second set of coordinates that the plugin uses to determine the island zone.
  • Nether Zone: These values contain the first and second set of coordinates that the plugin uses to determine the nether island zone.
  • Valuable Blocks: These values determine which blocks placed or broken on a player's island will affect value.
  • Zone World: This is the world that the plugin checks for an island zone in.
  • Island Interval: This value controls the distance (in blocks) between each created island.
  • Island Size: This value sets the boundary size of newly created islands.
  • Keep Inventory: If true players will keep their inventory upon death.
  • Safe Void: If true players will not die if fallen into the void
  • Island Boundaries: If true boundaries will be erected around the player's islands so they may not exit their area.
  • Reset Cooldown: The time (in seconds) a player must wait before restarting their island. 86400 seconds is 24 hours.
  • Reset Wipe: If true players inventory will be cleared if their island is restarted.

Once you have made all of the edits you'd like, save the file. Now you're ready to log on to your server, where you can continue setting up the plugin using commands.