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MM18 Design

drew212 edited this page Feb 18, 2012 · 4 revisions

Tower Defense

Main Consideraitons

1. Attacking

Attacking should be simple and not too important to the strategy. Players should be able to send out waves of creeps against one enemy. They may specify a unit type and a direction. The only feedback they will receive on the success of their attack will be the enemy's health bar. Attacks will require resources to be spent. The effectiveness of the attack will be decided by the combination of the attacker's unit type and the type of defenses the defender has erected. For example, a fire creep attacking a moat may result in 25% damage, while the same creep attacking a forest may result in 175%.

Elements of an attacking unit:

  • Strength - A multiplier applied to all damaging moves. Units with higher strength will cost more resources.
  • Health - A value that decreases on damage. At 0, the unit is removed from the map.
  • Type - Each unit will have a type that will change how effective its attacks are against defense objects. Each type should have a weakness and strength with respect to other types.

2. Defending

Defense is the core of this game. Each player shall have a set grid area, say a 10x10 tiled square. They may place various defenses in these tiles to attempt to stop incoming creeps. The properties of a defense element include:

  • Durability - the object's ability to withstand damage by creeps
  • Health - A value that decreases on damage. At 0, the object is removed from the map.
  • Type - Each unit will have a type that will change how effective attacks are against it. Each type should have a weakness and strength with respect to other types.
  • Effect - Certain defense units will have abilities. Cannons will be able to shoot and destroy incoming creeps and an ice patch might slow the creeps down.

3. Resource Management

Resources should be a passive time based collection method, therefore taking resource collection out of the strategy. This puts more focus on defense and proper allocation of units.

###Development Components###

  1. Server
  2. Logic/API
  3. Visualizer
  4. Arena
  5. Test Clients
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