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Reinier Johnson edited this page May 26, 2021 · 3 revisions

List and explanation of different functions:

User Manual: Look at the official user manual for S.A.N.E., this function also provides the ability for the manual to be read to you, though S.A.N.E.'s own voice. Call this function by saying, "User Manual".

Weather: Be aware of your surroundings with the weather function. You will be able to gather weather data from around the world with this function. YOu have access to all of the data just by saying the word, 'weather'.

Wiki Search: Search the Wikipedia database for any article that you would be able to look up normally on Wikipedia, or that is in the Wikipedia database. Call this function by saying, "Wiki".

Time Check: S.A.N.E. will give you the time that your computer provides (based on selected time zone, or on adjusted time, any region is currently supported. This function can be called by saying "Time".

Definition: You will be prompted to say a word that you chose, you will be given the Merriam Webster definition for the word you speak into the microphone at that time. Call the define function by saying "Define".

Synonym/Antonym: Once you invoke this function, you can say a word into the microphone, and be given list of synonyms, or antonyms based on what you say. You can invoke the synonym reading function with "Synonym" and the antonym function with "Antonym".

Calculator: This can be used to calculate add, subtract, multiply, divide and raise numbers to a power. You can use this five function calculator to calculate big or small numbers in the terminal. The terminal is the black window that appears once the program is executed. You can call the calculator by saying "Calculator".

Friendly Mode/Conversational Algorithm: You can start a conversation with the AI, although this is yet to be improved. Most questions can be prompted through with a simple "yes" or "no" after S.A.N.E. asks you a question. Every conversation is currently the exact same, which is one thing to be improved in the future. This function can be called with, "Friendly Mode".

Translator: This function is used for translating words. Currently the function only supports a single word so prompting more than one word will unfortunately be invalid and S.A.N.E. will tell you if it is. You can choose from various languages, the codes of which are provided by Google, or those that can be found in the terminal.

Coin Flip: The Coin Flip is used for betting purposes, like Siri's flip a coin function, this has a 50%, 50% chance of picking either heads or tails. You can call this by saying, "Coin Flip"

Hibernation: You can use this function as a timer or to sleep the AI for a given amount of time in seconds. Consider using the calculator function to calculate time in minutes, or hours, although Beta v1.2 will have support for giving a number of minutes or a number of hours. You can currently call this function by saying "hibernate".

Power Off: This function is self explanatory, in that the program exits and the AI turns off completely if you say, "Power Off"

Auto move/click: These functions can be used in games online in order to move if a game does not allow for people to be away from keyboard for a certain amount of time while earning money, or use it simply to auto click. You can prompt this with either "Auto Move" or "Auto Click" for their respective functions.

Backend/Initialization Functions: Beta v1.1 will include two extra backend functions that will be used to improve security and user experience respectively. The first is the username and password us function and the second is the low-level neural network, used to ask questions to the user about things they have searched before, like if they would like to look further into it.

Username and Password in-depth: The username and password algorithm will have the user input a username and a password that they will use to login to the AI. This is to help protect the user against data breaches that could be caused by running the program itself.

Neural Network in-depth: The neural network used for sane is a low level data manipulation system that scours the search terms you have used prior to the initialization of the network and asks you based on those terms. The program uses four separate data files that can be downloaded with Beta v1.1 when it is released in the releases tab in this Repo. The network runs the data through a four part process where each part further refines the useable data, and the final section picks one search term, which is what the AI will prompt you to look up again.

These are all of the functions utilized by S.A.N.E. and its current users, you can access the user manual through the folder titled, "SETUP AND HELP FOLDER" when you download v1.0 of the AI.

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