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Reinier Johnson edited this page Jun 7, 2021 · 4 revisions

Welcome to the S.A.N.E.-Repo wiki!

The Semi-Artificial Neural Environment or S.A.N.E. for short is a project I have been working on in my spare time. This repo is the direct source code for my first full scale coding project. The project is a learning opportunity to learn the ins and outs of python while I practice to receive the PCEP certification. The program is meant to be like Iron Man's JARVIS from the Marvel Iron Man series, or FRIDAY from Marvel's Infinity War. Another AI that this could reflect is Alexa or Google Assistant, although this is a much lower level program. Hopefully more updates will come, along with more and more functions, and cool things S.A.N.E. can do.

Members: Me (Reiningecho90) Brady (Blob758)

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