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RemcoMusic edited this page Aug 12, 2019 · 4 revisions

Welcome to the SwarmboTron wiki!

As described in the readme you can use this project in 2 ways.

Plug & Play

The first way is to only use the software that we have build and have fun with that. The build that we have made supports simulated and real robots. You can download the software and add simulated bots and let them make a shape that is build into the software. Also you can add objects or even a football to let the simulated robot kick the ball. You can insert a real life object into the screen and let the robots react to that object.
If you would like to take it to the next level you can also add real robots. To do that you will need to follow the assembly guide to make real robots and let them work together with the simulated robots or only real robots if you like.

Make SwarmboTron better !

We will challenge developers to make our application or robots better. Since this is an open source project we have tried to describe everything we have done in this project. Also we are trying to share every design, piece of software we made or used to you guys. But when you want to develop on the software you will need to follow our guide to get this project ready so it can compile. Once the project is able to compile you are set to do everything you like and make it better. For the robots we will share the designs we have made and also the list of parts that we used. To get the developer environment up and running follow the guide on this wiki page.

Need help?

We are always open to help. If you are stuck on some point or something you can message me and I will discuss it with the project group so we can help you the best we can. Would you like to know more about this project before you start using it, you can always message me to make some sort of contact.