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Ben Heasly edited this page Oct 14, 2016 · 52 revisions

Welcome to the RenderToolbox3 wiki!

RenderToolbox3 is now deprecated in favor of RenderToolbox4. Please consider migrating to RenderToolbox4.

This RenderToolbox3 wiki will be here for reference. Thanks!

Methods Paper

We are pleased to have published a methods paper which describes the design and usage of RenderToolbox3 (version 1.1):

  • Heasly BS, Cottaris NP, Lichtman DP, Xiao B, Brainard DH, "RenderToolbox3: MATLAB tools that facilitate physically based stimulus rendering for vision research", J Vis. 2014 Feb 7, 14(2).

Introductory Pages

Overview with pictures, not details
Getting Started first steps with RenderToolbox3, Blender
Tips for using the software
Disucssion Forum questions and answers

Example Scenes

Example Scene Descriptions overview of all example scenes
DragonColorChecker Example Scene includes annotated RenderToolbox3 code
MaterialSphere Example Scene includes annotated RenderToolbox3 code
MaterialSpherePortable Example Scene includes annotated RenderToolbox3 code
Interior Example Scene includes Blender tips
Dice Example Scene includes Blender tips and textures
BlenderPython Example Scene includes information on procedural generation of scene geometry
LightFieldSphere Example Scene rendering with light fields
Rendering Repeatability what happens when you render the same scene twice?

Installing RenderToolbox3

RenderToolbox3 Files and Syntax

Low-Level Function Reference

RenderToolbox3 team

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