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Raster Master v1.6 R83

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@RetroNick2020 RetroNick2020 released this 30 May 19:19
· 36 commits to main since this release

This is a big one! Refactored so much code and deleted even more! But the most exciting aspect is that we are back to support 32 bit systems. The previous method used for rendering was terrible in terms of memory. now way less memory used.

Rendering and scrolling is much faster now!

Everything in the main editor has been simplified - I can actually make sense of the code now

All shapes now are rendered in their correct color when drawing/adjusting size. previously during draw/size shape was using xor to erase previous shape.

Grid and Clip Select outline are rendered over the zoomed image. everything is fast now that you can't notice this.

The tools menu now includes the hidden tools that were available only when selecting a clip area. These tools can be used now when the image is not selected. The action will be performed on the entire image.

There maybe some things i missed but overall i think you will notice the improvements!