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Hi there 👋 My name is Reda

I'm Creative problem solver, Technology Advocate, and Evangelist in both fields of Software Development and Machine Learning.

A Solution Engineer who sees sharply (If you know what I mean 😉) business opportunities. Having led both the code and scientific development of enterprise solutions and machine learning models that are currently in production while keep proving value back to the business during development. Most effective in Microsoft Technologies, Python, SciKit-Learn/Tensorflow, and SQL.

I work on wide range variety of project from Information Systems to Machine Learning and Deep Learning Services

  • Natural Language Processing / Classical Machine Learning for Arabic Language to boost Capabilities of Microsoft Bot Framework
  • Natural Language Processing / Deep Learning for Inappropriate Content Filtering from users' comments
  • Computer Vision / Deep Learning for find similarity index between logos
  • Lead Migrating DevOps Automation into Microsoft Azure for about 300+ Engineers
  • Adopt MLOps for Machine Learning and Deep Learning Enabled Services

Also I make effort for GitHub Community 🥰 and Open Source Project Contributions

  • ZeroORM Yet another Micro ORM (Object Relational Mapper) for .NET platform with vision of Zero learning Curve, complexity, and latency
  • Machine Learning for Everyone a series of Arabic articles for GitHub community intended for AI/ML literacy

And off course I am always proud with sharing the knowledge of AI/ML with communities

  • How to Build Chatbot using Microsoft Chatbot Services
  • Employ Speach to Text and Text to Speach in Chatbot
  • Artificiall Inteligence Applications and Challenges
  • End to end Machine Learning Projects (searis of 5 sessions 3 hours for each)
  • Machine Learning Classifications
  • Image Recognition and Opject Identification using Computer Vision of Azure Congnitive Services

Also check out my 💬 StackOverflow, 🔗 LinkedIn, and 🐦 Twitter profiles as I have week AI/ML thread, and if you are a good swimmer send me and I will be happy to get a race 🏊


  • 🔭 I'm currently completing Machine Learning for Everyone Series as open-source articles if you are interested to support linguistically, scientifically, or graphically that will make me happy
  • 🌱 I’am currently re-sharpened my capabilities in statistics and probability
  • 🤔 I’m looking for help with improving ZeroORM library.
  • 💬 Ask me about #dotnet, C#, MLOps, and DevOps in general.
  • 📫 Reach me out on Twitter, Or drop me an email.
  • ⚡ Fun fact: I started my coding journey with Microsoft Visual Basic 5.0 and Microsoft SQL Server 7 when GoTo statements were still a thing.
  • ❝ Favorite quote: "Code is like humor. If you have to explain it, it’s bad." - Cory House