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Launch and catalog your games. All in one place as it should be :-). Catalog your games you have installed, want to play later and are on your wishlist. Also stores what launcher game is connected to, so you will never forget again ;-). Also added filter, save data, search functionality and complete front-end rewrite using JS Web Components and Vite v3.0.0 release!!

App with a bunch of games added

Tools and Technology used

JavaScript (JS Web Componenets)

System Requirements

Windows 10+
Mac 11+ - Coming Soon
Linux - Coming Soon

How to Install

  1. Download Newest Release
  2. Unzip Folder
  3. Install Application
  4. Profit?!?!?!?

Web Component Layout

Web Component Layout


Hit the plus button to add your games.

App with no games added

Modal with all required fields to add a new game (App Location is not required can be left blank). Either search Steam for cover or upload your own.

App modal to add games

Click on any game and pop open the update / delete modal.

App modal to update or delete games

Click on any game and pop open the play / edit modal if you have a application location saved for that game. Press yellow play button to play your game or edit to open update / delete modal.

Launch or Edit your Game

After you add your first game you will have access to other features. Clicking hamburger button will open this menu below.

show menu

Click filter icon to find games by platform

filter modal

Filter active

filter active

Click search icon to find games by name

search modal

Search active

search active

Click save icon to backup your data to store in safe place

save data modal

Nerd Info

I orignally created this app as a web app. But was like why not use Electron so I could share with my friends. This app is using a simple JSON read/write file in the user data folder to store game data. Since this app is so small I thought that would be better then packaging SQL lite with app. Or changing config file to add a MongoDB location then use electron builder to create exe file.


If you benefit at all from my work, any donation would help a lot. Thanks!
