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Rolpege edited this page May 13, 2011 · 1 revision

Skinning part of the Punk.UI requires a pretty complex skin hierarchy:

  • PunkSkin - That's the base class for creating a new skin. Contains a reference to each skin of each component.

  • PunkSkinElement - Every skin definition of every component extends this class. A skin definition is, basically, a class containing the different properties needed: background, label properties, etc.

    • PunkSkinHasLabelElement - Adds the labelProperties property to the PunkSkinElement. Every skin definition having a label will extend this class.
      • PunkSkinLabelElement - Adds a background. Used by Labels / Text areas and extending classes.
      • PunkSkinButtonElement - Adds normal, hover, down and inactive graphics to the PunkSkinHasLabelElement. Used by PunkButtons.
        • PunkSkinToggleButtonElement - Adds the on version of each normal, hover, down and inactive graphics added by PunkSkinButtonElement. Used by PunkToggleButton and PunkRadioButton.
      • PunkSkinWindowElement - Adds a bar and a background to the label. Used by PunkSkinWindowElement.
  • PunkSkinImage - Used by every image property on PunkSkinElements. Has useful methods to generate 9-slice images.