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This repository contains all code to recreate the contents of RiboReport - Benchmarking tools for ribosome profiling-based identification of open reading frames in bacteria. Following are descriptions of the required steps to reproduce our analysis.

Processing of High Throughput Sequencing Data

In the publication, the data required for the generation of our result figures was created using the snakemake workflow described below. After the creation of the input data, the figures from the publication were generated by using the evaluation scripts provided in the evaluation folder. The generation and usage of the final tables and figures is described below.

Generation of the Dataset


Input data

For running the workflow, several input files are required:

  • genome.fa
  • annotation.gff
  • samples.tsv
  • config.yaml
  • fastq files

The fastq files for our newly published dataset are available via NCBI GEO ( The data will be published together with the publication. Please contact us if you require the access token.

The rest of the required files can be found in the data folder.



Even though snakemake workflows are executable locally, we do not advise this due to high memory usage and runtime of some of the processing steps. We ran the workflow on a TORQUE cluster system (powered by bwHPC) and later on a de.NBI cloud instance.

For more information how to run the workflow using your prefered cluster setup, please refer to the snakemake documentation.

To run the provided snakemake workflow, follow the example for pseudomonas_aeroginosa below:

1. Setup the workflow folder and download the workflow:

mkdir pseudomonas_aeroginosa; cd pseudomonas_aeroginosa;
tar -xzf 2021.tar.gz; mv RiboReport-2021 RiboReport; rm 2021.tar.gz;

2. Required tools

All required tools are downloaded automatically via conda and docker.

3. Fetch the annotation and genome files:

cp RiboReport/data/pseudomonas_aeroginosa/annotation.gff . ;
cp RiboReport/data/pseudomonas_aeroginosa/genome.fa . ;

4. Fetch the config.yaml and samples.tsv files:

cp RiboReport/data/pseudomonas_aeroginosa/config.yaml RiboReport/config.yaml  ;
cp RiboReport/data/pseudomonas_aeroginosa/samples.tsv RiboReport/samples.tsv ;

5. Retrieve the sequencing data:

In order to download the fastq files, we used the SRA Toolkit.

We run fasterq-dump executable to download the according .fastq files, by providing the appropriate SRR ID.

If you do not have the SRA Toolkit, we suggest creating a conda environment:

conda create -n sra-tools -c bioconda -c conda-forge sra-tools pigz
conda activate sra-tools

(use source activate, if conda is not set-up for your bash)

For simplicity, we already collected the required fasterq-dump calls in a file.

cp RiboReport/data/pseudomonas_aeroginosa/ .

This will download all required fastq files into a fastq folder.

6. Run the snakemake workflow:

In order to run snakemake, the creation of a conda environment is required.

Once miniconda3 is installed. Create a snakemake environment:

conda create -n snakemake -c conda-forge -c bioconda snakemake singularity
conda activate snakemake

Next, we will show how we executed the RiboReport pipeline in both our bwHPC cluster system and on our de.NBI Cloud.

On the cloud or locally (tested on ubuntu)

If you have set up everything correctly, simply run:

snakemake -p -k --use-conda --use-singularity --singularity-args " -c " --greediness 0 -s RiboReport/Snakefile --configfile RiboReport/config.yaml --directory ${PWD} -j 4 --latency-wait 60

You can also run it using nohup, as it might take some time to finish:

nohup snakemake -p -k --use-conda --use-singularity --singularity-args " -c " --greediness 0 -s RiboReport/Snakefile --configfile RiboReport/config.yaml --directory ${PWD} -j 4 --latency-wait 60  &

Depending on your available resources you can also remove --greediness 0 and increase -j, to your preferences in order to boost performance.

On the cluster

Then you can copy and complete one of the provided submission scripts, or create your own.

cp RiboReport/ .

Example for

#PBS -N benchmark
#PBS -S /bin/bash
#PBS -q "long"
#PBS -d <file path>/benchmark
#PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=1
#PBS -o <file path>/benchmark
#PBS -j oe
cd <file path>/benchmark
export PATH="<file path>/miniconda3/bin/:$PATH"
source activate snakemake
snakemake --latency-wait 600 --use-conda -s RiboReport/Snakefile --configfile RiboReport/config.yaml --directory ${PWD} -j 20 --cluster-config RiboReport/torque.yaml --cluster "qsub -N {cluster.jobname} -S /bin/bash -q {cluster.qname} -d <file path>/benchmark -l {cluster.resources} -o {cluster.logoutputdir} -j oe"

All file path statements have to be replaced by the path to your benchmark folder.

Please note that these scripts might need some extra changes depending on your cluster system. If your cluster system does not run SGE or TORQUE, these files will most likely not work at all. In the case they run SGE or TORQUE, there might be slightly different definitions for the resource statements (here #PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=1). This is then also the case for the configuration files sge.yaml and torque.yaml. Please check the snakemake documentation.

Excluding a prediction tool:

Currently, to remove a tool from the analysis simply remove the line from the input and shell part of the mergeConditions rule. You can find it in under rules/postprocessing.smk.

To remove IRSOM change:

rule mergeConditions:
        "tracks/{condition, [a-zA-Z]+}.merged.gff"
    threads: 1
        mkdir -p tracks;
        cat {input.spectre} > {output}.unsorted;
        cat {input.ribotish} >> {output}.unsorted;
        cat {input.reparation} >> {output}.unsorted;
        cat {input.deepribo} >> {output}.unsorted;
        cat {input.irsom} >> {output}.unsorted;
        cat {input.smorfer} >> {output}.unsorted;
        cat {input.ribotricer} >> {output}.unsorted;
        cat {input.price} >> {output}.unsorted;
        bedtools sort -i {output}.unsorted > {output};


rule mergeConditions:
        "tracks/{condition, [a-zA-Z]+}.merged.gff"
    threads: 1
        mkdir -p tracks;
        cat {input.spectre} > {output}.unsorted;
        cat {input.ribotish} >> {output}.unsorted;
        cat {input.reparation} >> {output}.unsorted;
        cat {input.deepribo} >> {output}.unsorted;
        cat {input.smorfer} >> {output}.unsorted;
        cat {input.ribotricer} >> {output}.unsorted;
        cat {input.price} >> {output}.unsorted;
        bedtools sort -i {output}.unsorted > {output};

smORFer output

As smORFer is modular and has different optional steps it is hard to add all combinations to the snakemake pipeline.

Some of these steps even require the creation of a calibrated bam file, which involves manual checking of offsets.

Rules for all the steps involving Ribo-seq libraries are included in rules/smorfer.smk. To use the steps involving manual work, simply add the calibrated bam file to a directory called calibrated_bam/method-condition-replicate_calibrated.bam.

By default, the filtering steps involving manual work are skipped. To add them the input/output of the rules in rules/smorfer.smk have to be updated accordingly.

Extract operon regions from the annotation:

This describes how we extracted the operons from the available annotation:

conda create -n operons -c conda-forge -c bioconda interlap
conda activate operons
./RiboReport/scripts/ --in_gff_filepath RiboReport/data/pseudomonas_aeroginosa/annotation.gff > RiboReport/data/pseudomonas_aeroginosa/operons.gff ;

Visualisation and plotting of the Results

All data can be visualised using the following scripts inside the evaluation folder. Further, an script, containing all calls for the plotting pipeline, is provided. This bash script only works if all python scripts are positioned in the same folder and the input gtf-files from the data folder are stored in a "data"-folder in the same location.


  • numpy =1.16.3
  • matplotlib =3.0.3
  • seaborn =0.9.0
  • pandas =0.24.2
  • simple_venn =0.1.0
  • bedtools =v2.28.0


  • reference_pos_data (-p) path to the .gtf file containing all genes of the investigated genome or the investigated subset of genes
  • reference_neg_data (-n) path to the .gtf file containing all genes of the investigated genome or the investigated subset of genes
  • tool_data (-t) path to gtf file containing all predictions for the tools: deepribo, ribotish, reparation and irsom
  • save_path (-o) path to a directory, where the result tables will be stored
  • overlap_cutoff (-c) allowed sequence overlap cutoff between gene and prediction
  • flag_subopt (-s) allowed allow suboptimals in statistical calculation. Set to 1 to enable flag. If not 0
  • flag_no_gene (-g) add predictions which do not overlap with any genen for the given cutoff. Set to 1 to enable flag. If not 0.


  • df_stat.csv -> main result table storing all computed statistical measurements. Needed for the bar plots.
  • SetX_labels_pos_predictions_overlap_fp.gtf -> all prdictions which do not overlap with the positive or the negative gene set. Therefore, predictions outside of the annotation borders for a given overlap (temporary result).
  • SetX_labels_pos_predictions_overlap_neg.gtf -> all genes of the negative set overlapping with a given percent with any prediction (temporary result).
  • SetX_labels_pos_predictions_overlap_pos.gtf -> all genes of the positive set overlapping with a given percent with any prediction (temporary result).
  • SetX_labels_pos_predictions_overlap_temp.gtf -> all prdictions which do not overlap with the positive gene set (temporary result).
  • df_venn_genes.csv -> table containing a column for each tool listing the number of genes counted as true positive (TP). Needed for the overlap plots.
  • toolX_score_list -> For each prediction, correct genen prediction and not predicted gene a tuple of: (score, overlap, label) is saved as a python object serialization (pickle.dump). Needed to compute the ROC and PRC.

This script generates several statistical measurements for a reference and tool prediction .gtf file. First true positives (TP), false positives (FP) and false negatives (FN) are predicted. One prediction will be associated with one gene and counted as one true positve. The association selection is based on the lowest p-value (0.05). All genes fulfilling the overlap cutoff will be counted as suboptimals and not as false positives. False positives are all predictions, where no gene fulfilling the overlap cutoff could be found and the false negatives vice versa. Based on this computations the recall, FNR, precision, FDR and F1 measure are calculated.


  • input1_df (-i1) df_stat.csv of the script for the first overlap cutoff.
  • input2_df (-i2) df_stat.csv of the script for the second overlap cutoff.
  • save_path (-o) path to directory where the plots will be stored.


  • bar_FNR.pdf -> barplot of FNR measures for different tools and two cutoff conditions.
  • bar_recall.pdf -> barplot of recall measures for different tools and two cutoff conditions.
  • bar_precision.pdf -> barplot of precision measures for different tools and two cutoff conditions.
  • bar_FDR.pdf -> barplot of FDR measures for different tools and two cutoff conditions.
  • bar_F1.pdf -> barplot of F1 measures for different tools and two cutoff conditions.

This script generates barplots of statistical measures for the different tools and two overlap cutoff conditions. The output barplots consist of FNR, recall, precision, FDR and F1 measures. It is based on the statistical output table.


  • input_df (-i) .cvs containing the list of true positive genes for the used tools.
  • save_path (-o) path where the Venn diagramm will be saved.
  • name_folder (-n) name of the result folder of the investigated set. It will be used in the file name to make it unique.
  • coverage_percent (-c) percentage of overlap cutoff that was used to determine the true positves. It will be used in the file name to make it unique.


  • venn_diagram.pdf -> a 4 Venn diagram highlighting overlapping predictions of the tool.

This script will generate a 4 Venn diagram for the overlap of true positive predicted genes of the 4 investigated tools.


  • input_path: path list of triplets (score, overlap, label) for each tool.
  • species_label: name of the bacterial datasets.
  • save_path: path to save data to.
  • percent_overlap: how much of the prediction should overlap with the gene and vice versa.
  • experiment: name of the subset.


  • datesetX_prc_overlapScore_subset_lables_.pdf

This scripts generates Precision-Recall-Curves (PRC) for all different tools and overlaps.


  • input_path: path list of triplets (score, overlap, label) for each tool.
  • save_path: path to save data to.
  • percent_overlap: how much of the prediction should overlap with the gene and vice versa.
  • experiment: name of the subset.


  • datesetX_roc_overlapScore_.pdf

This scripts generates Receiver-Operator-Curves (ROC) for all different tools and overlaps.