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Web App Fromm Scratch

@cmda-minor-web 2020 - 2021

Live demo

This project

Pintreddit is a simple web application for inspiration. This project uses the reddit API, and data from reddit and puts it into your browser. With a few categories to choose from inspiration is guaranteed!

The application


Table of contents

Install this project

Clone the repository.

  $ git clone

Navigate to repository...

  $ cd web-app-from-scratch-2021

...and then install packages.

  $ npm install

Start local dev environment.

  $ npm run dev

Build export.

  $ npm run build


  • Get inspired by the power of reddit
  • Choose your own category
  • Choose a minimum amount of likes
  • Look at likes and other cool information about the image


Actor Diagram Interaction Diagram
actor diagram interaction diagram


A lot of data gets sent through the reddit API. In this application subreddits get defined and called. Reddit sends back a random post from the requested subreddit. Data gets modified and modulated, only correct data gets rendered to the page. Data gets checked via it's url type and amount of likes. Once the data is fetched and checked, it will append to the HTML page, where you can be inspired by a random picture gallery.

JSON example

Data below is some data of an image. This is just a small section of all image data that gets passed to the application trough the reddit API.

This is some data manipulation to get to the correct data:

let post = data[0].data.children[0].data;

And this is a section of the JSON data from 'post':

    "hide_score": false,
    "id": "ljfawo",
    "link_flair_css_class": null,
    "link_flair_richtext": [],
    "link_flair_text": null,
    "link_flair_text_color": "dark",
    "link_flair_type": "text",
    "locked": false,
    "media": null,
    "media_embed": {},
    "mod_reports": [],
    "name": "t3_ljfawo",
    "no_follow": false,
    "num_comments": 23,
    "num_reports": null,
    "over_18": false,
    "parent_whitelist_status": "all_ads",
    "permalink": "/r/NatureIsFuckingLit/comments/ljfawo/black_rain_frog/",
    "pinned": false,
    "post_hint": "image",
    "preview": {"images": [], "enabled": true},
    "pwls": 6,
    "subreddit": "NatureIsFuckingLit",
    "subreddit_id": "t5_3gdh7",
    "subreddit_name_prefixed": "r/NatureIsFuckingLit",
    "subreddit_subscribers": 4580511,
    "subreddit_type": "public",
    "suggested_sort": "confidence",
    "thumbnail": "",
    "thumbnail_height": 105,
    "thumbnail_width": 140,
    "title": "🔥 Black Rain Frog 🔥",
    "top_awarded_type": null,
    "total_awards_received": 0,
    "treatment_tags": [],
    "ups": 314,
    "upvote_ratio": 0.99,
    "url": "",
    "url_overridden_by_dest": "",

API Drawbacks

The reddit API is huge, and sends you lost of information about everything that has relation to the origional post. This means that every comment, and all userdata is sent via the API. Because of this it's difficult to get the correct data into the application. Another drawback is loading speed. The objects are big, and take some time to load, especially with multiple posts. Same goes for image sizes, feched images from these posts are big file sizes and take some time to load.

Somewhere in the future

  • Add images to favorites
  • More filter options
  • Improve routing




License: MIT


No releases published


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  • JavaScript 65.9%
  • CSS 22.7%
  • HTML 11.4%