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Node folder structure

Andrea edited this page Mar 31, 2018 · 1 revision

This document will describe the node folder structure. It will not describe the "source" node structure.

When installing the node you'll end up with the rise folder containing the following subfolders:

  • bin
  • data
  • etc
  • lib
  • logs
  • pids
  • scripts
  • share
  • src

Most of the folders are no use to the node operator but logs, data, etc are particoularly helpful in some situations.


The etc subfolder contains most of the configuration files from both the core and the dependencies. You can tweak any file in this folder but you should know what you're doing.

The node_config.json is particoularly helpful for forging delegates. Inside such file you can enter your forging 'secret'. Example:

  "fileLogLevel": "error",
  "forging": {
    "secret": [ "my secret" ],
    "access": {
      "whiteList": [ "" ]


Logs live under the logs folder. You can inspect all the logs via tail or cat.


The data folder contains all the data (from all the dependencies). Backups will also be available here.

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